Rendering of Complex Models - My Ph.D. thesis is available here. It covers my work on Level of Detail systems in both single-computer and parallel settings. The focus is on the parallelization of the computational and rendering workload amongst both multiple CPUs and GPUs in a single computer as well as amongst a cluster of rendering nodes.
Multi-grained Level of Detail for Rendering Complex Meshes Using a Hierarchical Seamless Texture Atlas - A GPU based Level of Detail method capable of rendering huge datasets of both regular meshes as well as terrain. This method uses a user-selectable number of adapt nodes, allowing for a multi-grained approach to view-dependent LOD. The method has been used to render huge datasets with billions of samples, such as the 44 billion triangle USGS Earth dataset at interactive rates, allowing a detailed model of the entire earth to be rendered without cracks at sub-pixel error. A preliminary technical report can be found here. The full paper will be published in I3D in 2007.
GPU Debugging - A GPU program debugger capable of debugging vertex and fragment programs written in Cg. This standalone version can be easily incorporated into existing applications and provides the ability to debug any part of such a program. A preliminary writeup of this project can be found here.
GPU LOD - A novel method of performing view dependent level of detail. By using a geometry image and tessellated planes a genus zero model can be reconstructed in a view dependent manner with no adaptation penalty. Have a look at the short writeup and movie for this project.
GLOD - A open source geometric level of detail system which can be easily incorporated into any application with minimal alterations to the original program. Developed by John Cohen, David Luebke, Nat Duca, Brenden Schubert and myself. Check out our swanky paper, and an equally impressive movie.
Spline modelling - A system that models collisions and the resultant surface deformation of spline models
GLDB - A standalone OpenGL debugger capable of debugging many parts of the graphics pipeline, especially the programmable section of it. The paper, "A Relational Debugging Engine for the Graphics Pipeline", published in SIGGRAPH 05.
Fun assignments/projects that i did for classes:
Single View Metrology: recovering a 3D scene from a single image, by using vanishing point calculations
Lip tracking: Attempt to perform lip reading form a series of images by tracking the movement of the lips by spline fitting.
Fur rendering: Rendering furry objects using a vertex program. The fur is initially generated using a Perlin texture, and then rendered by displacing vertices along their normals, and drawing a different slice of the 3D texture onto the resulting surface.
I have recently completed the requirements for the Ph.D. program in the Computer Science department of Johns Hopkins University. I now work at NVIDIA.
Most of my work and CS interests fall in that general area. My current research efforts fall into two main categories, Level of Detail and GPU programming. I am also interested in physics-based simulations such as fluid flow, as well as surface reconstruction projects.