Give me a sequence of tokens,
Give me your context-free rules.
Let me take cubical runtime to show you
I'm one of your usefulest tools.
To find phrases that I can delimit,
Concatenate, label, and share:
Use me, choose me --
God, I'm a parser! A parser ppparses ...
I can do limitless nesting,
Dependencies almost for free.
Let me fit into your pipeline decoder;
Hey, listen, they're speaking our tree!
Show me the corpus,
Give me your best CPU.
All I ever needed
Was the grammar and the sentence
And the chance to parse for you.
Give me a chart and you witness how fast I can build.
Malloc a gig: in a minute I'll have it all filled.
Put me to work -- you would think that by now I'm allowed.
I'll do you proud.
Bloat me with slashes and features
Legions of linguists have tuned.
Throw me an A* heuristic: I promise
That everything bad will get pruned.
Run my agenda,
Pop my priority queue.
All I ever needed
Was the grammar and the sentence
And the chance to parse ...
dance routine parsing demo routine)
A forest of hyperpaths? There's no backtracking now!
There go another thousand sentences. Adieu, Pierre Vinken!
Gotta hate those unary cycles, though.
Ohhh! A fragment with 200 words?!
Such a big, big tree. But I think I'm finding the root ... !
Oh, like F-measure's 100% on your task? As if!
Couldja hook me up with some compositional semantics, already?
Show me the corpus,
Gimme some more CPU.
All I ever wanted
Was the grammar and the sentence
And the chance to parse ...
Out of memory; segmentation fault