
I am the John C Malone Professor of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University. I am the (Interim) Deputy Director for the JHU Data Science and AI Institute and the Associate Head of Research and Strategic Initiatives for the Department of Computer Science.

Speaker bio and photo

Research Interests

My research develops statistical models of language with applications to social media analysis, public health and clinical informatics.
Keywords: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Health Informatics, Clinical NLP, Computational Epidemiology

How to be a Successful PhD Student

Hanna Wallach and I wrote a guide on How to be a Successful PhD Student. It’s geared for PhD students in general, but focuses on CS, machine learning and NLP students.

I wrote a book!

Michael Paul and I wrote a book on social media and public health. The book provides an introduction to the field for public health practitioners, computer scientists and data scientists.

“I want to work with you.”

Great! Please contact me if you are a JHU student. It is probably helpful if you’ve taken natural language, machine learning or artificial intelligence. If you are interested in becoming a JHU student you can read details here.

“How do you pronounce your last name?”

Spelled: Dredze, Pronounced: Dredzee


Northwestern University: BS in Computer Science, BS in Computer Engineering
Yeshiva University: MA in Jewish Studies
University of Pennsylvania: PhD in Computer Science (Adviser: Fernando Pereira)


Microsoft: Summer intern
IBM TJ Watson Research Center: Summer intern
Google Research: Summer Intern
Bloomberg LP: Sabbatical
