Please note: I maintain this page infrequently.
From 2010 to 2012 I was a Lecturer and Research Scientist in the computer science department at Johns Hopkins University. I continue to teach courses occasionally.
I am now Founder and CEO at Fast Orientation.
I also provide expert litigation consultation through Harbor Labs.
I currently serve as Chief Security Officer at ZeroFOX.
I completed my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University. My primary research interest is systems and network security. I worked with Professors Avi Rubin, Fabian Monrose, and Adam Stubblefield as a member of both the Security and Privacy Applied Research (SPAR) lab and the Health and Medical Security (HMS) lab in the Information Security Institute (ISI). Additionally, I was a member of the RFID Consortium for Security and Privacy (RFID-CUSP).
Prior to arriving at Hopkins, I earned an undergraduate degree at The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. While there, Professor Bruce Lowekamp was my research advisor. In 2003, I spent the summer as a research fellow at the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). I also held a research internship with the advanced development group at VMware in 2008. While a graduate student, I worked as a campus representative for Apple and as a security consultant for Independent Security Evaluators (ISE), where I later served as CTO.
J. Chow, D. Lucchetti, T. Garfinkel, G. Lefebvre, R. Gardner, J. Mason, S. Small, P. M. Chen. Multi-stage Replay with Crosscut. In the proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE), Pittsburgh, PA. March 2010.
J. Mason, S. Small, F. Monrose, G. MacManus. English Shellcode. In the proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Chicago, IL. November 2009. [PDF]
S. Small, J. Mason, R. MacArthur, F. Monrose. Masquerade: Simulating a Thousand Victims. In ;login: The USENIX Magazine. December 2008.
S. Small, J. Mason, F. Monrose, N. Provos, A. Stubblefield. To Catch a Predator: A Natural Language Approach for Eliciting Malicious Payloads. In the proceedings of the 17th USENIX Security Symposium, San Jose, CA. July 2008.
K. Szlavecz, A. Szalay, A. Terzis, R. Musaloiu-E, S. Small, J. Cogan, R. Burns, J. Gray. Building an End-to-end System for Long Term Soil Monitoring. AGU 2006 Joint Assembly, Baltimore, MD. May 2006.
K. Szlavecz, J. Cogan, R. Musalouiu-E., S. Small, A. Terzis, A. Szalay. A Wireless Sensor for Soil Monitoring. 2005 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 2005. Poster.
S. Small, A. DeSimone, B. Doshi, F. Monrose, A. Terzis. Large-Scale Dynamic Virtual Private Networks for the Global Information Grid. In the proceedings of the IEEE MILCOM 2005 conference, Atlantic City, NJ. October 2005.
S. Small, B. B. Lowekamp. Topology-based Clique Organization for Distributed Resource Monitoring. In the proceedings of the IEEE/ACM SC2002 conference, Baltimore, MD. November 2002. Poster.
A. Rubin, S. Nielson, S. Small, C. Monson. Guidelines for Source Code Review in Hi-Tech Litigation. Harbor Labs Whitepaper. 2014.
L. Abts, J. Morrison, E. Lewandowski, S. Small, et al. Broader Impact from Graduate Students Transferring Engineering Principles to K- 12 Education. Report for the NSF. 2007.
K. Szlavecz, A. Terzis, R. Musaloiu-E, J. Cogan, S. Small, S. Ozer, R. Burns, J. Gray, A. Szalay. Life Under Your Feet: An End-to-End Soil Ecology Sensor Network, Database, Web Server, and Analysis Service. Microsoft Research Technical Report. June 2006.
S. Small. Practical Covert Channel Analysis. Masters Project. 2007.
S. Small. Scalable VPN Provisioning for the Global Information Grid. Masters Project. 2006.
S. Bono, S. Small. Exposing User-space IP Covert Channels. Technical Report. 2005.
S. Small, P. Toomey. Agreement Without Coordination. Technical Report. 2005.
S. Qiu, S. Small. Towards BGP Route Advertisement Validation. Technical Report. 2004.
S. Small. Perceived Bandwidth and Topology-based Clique Selection for Network Monitoring. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. May 2003.
In my free time I enjoy playing the drums,
swimming, and cooking.