let rec weng = ~weng cv misc contact blog 博客

# Shiwei Weng 翁士伟

I am a six-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University. My advisor is Dr. Scott Smith and I am a member of The Programming Languages Laboratory. I got my joint bachelor’s degree from Fudan University and University College Dublin in 2013 and master’s degree from JHU in 2018. My one-page CV is here (updated Mar 2023).

My research interests span several aspects of programming languages. I believe programming languages can provide solutions to problems in other areas of computer science. I am active in our lab’s weekly seminar and happy to chat about them.


# Research

Higher-Order Demand-Driven Symbolic Execution [lab page]

# Work

Microsoft Research Lab, Redmond (virtually), Summer 2021,

I worked as a Research Intern on Checked C project. I designed and implemented a dataflow analysis which gathers pre/post-conditions at program points and an SMT-­based proof framework to reduce false-positive compiler warnings. It’s a wonderful summer. Thanks to my mentor Sulekha Kulkarni, the boss David Tarditi and all the team members!

Something before

Before graduate school, I took several jobs in start-ups and freelance work, mostly in full-stack web programming.

# Professional

# Teaching

# Publications

Kelvin Qian, Scott Smith, Brandon Stride, Shiwei Weng, Ke Wu, OOPSLA 2024 [page] [doi] [pdf] [repo]

Zachary Palmer, Theodore Park, Scott Smith, Shiwei Weng, Higher-Order Demand-Driven Symbolic Evaluation, ICFP 2020 [page] [doi] [pdf] [repo] [talk (slide)]

# Open Source

Help opam repository administrating via triaging PR and weekly meeting Note.

Maintain z3-ocaml after fixing a notorious bug lasting for years (explanation on OCaml Discuss).

# Misc

ChatGPT’s propersy for this website.

I play video games. The unexamined game is not worth playing.

I am married to Xiaoxi Chen 陈小溪. I teach her programming and she teaches me human anatomy.

We have a cat but there is usually more at home (2 cats, 3 cats).
