The computer science minor provides students with foundational knowledge in the discipline and can complement studies in other engineering and non-engineering disciplines.

Students should declare their minor when they begin their studies in the department, using the online form available in SIS/Program of Study. (Note: CS minor requests will not be approved during peak advising/registration periods.) Students also may also consult the undergraduate advising manual for more information.

Students must take at least seven CS courses to meet the minor requirements. All courses applied toward the minor must be taught directly through the computer science department ( and be taken for a grade (not S/U). Students must receive a grade of at least C- in each of these courses. Note that at most one independent study or research course may be used towards the minor requirements. Courses taught outside the CS department with a “CS other” designator may not be applied to the CS minor.

Core Courses
Student must take three required core courses to have a solid foundation in the field, totalling 11 credits:

  • Gateway Computing (EN.500.112/113/114 – Java preferred – C+ grade or better required) or AP credit – 3 credits
  • 600.120/601.220 Intermediate Programming – 4 credits
  • 600.226/601.226 Data Structures – 4 credits

Elective Course
Student must take one elective CS course, at least three credits at 200 level or above (>= 601.200).

Upper Level Courses
Students must take at least three upper-level computer science courses, each worth at least three credits. Upper-level CS courses are those numbered EN.601.3xx-4xx or courses with one of five area designators, coded as POS tags: Theory (CSCI-THRY), Systems (CSCI-SYST), Applications (CSCI-APPL), Software (CSCI-SOFT), Reasoning (CSCI-RSNG). Students are encouraged to select courses within only one or two areas in order to pursue a cohesive program of study. Please consult the complete list of upper level courses and their designators. Note that at most three credits of customized academic learning (EN.601.5xx) may be used towards the upper-level course requirements.