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A new machine learning framework promises to make systems more personal and ethical.
The Nexus Awards Program supports a diverse range of programming, research, and teaching at the university’s Bloomberg Center at 555 Pennsylvania Ave.
Yinzhi Cao explains what happens when a bot is “jailbroken” and how large language models can be built to be less susceptible to such hacks.
Signs of change
CategoriesPhD student Xuan Zhang is researching sign language recognition and translation tasks with the aim of developing a large vision-language model capable of translating signed words into spoken language.
The third-year computer science student received a Provost’s Undergraduate Research Award to train machine learning models to distinguish between different types of heart failure.
Jeong Kim, Engr ’82, ’89 (MS) received the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the country’s highest award for technological achievement.
Algorithms for a fairer world
CategoriesMachine learning technologies hold the potential to revolutionize decision-making. But how can we ensure AI systems are free of bias? Our experts weigh in.
In AI we trust?
CategoriesGiven AI models’ ubiquity and influence, how and why should we trust their decisions? Can we be certain their predictions are free of biases or errors? Johns Hopkins AI experts discuss.
The International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions is a top-tier venue for disseminating innovative, peer-reviewed research in computer-assisted surgery and minimally invasive interventions.
Co-created by a Johns Hopkins professor and CS alum, the interactive science visual compares the weight of the natural with the man-made.
Seeking smarter surgery
CategoriesJohns Hopkins researchers are using Loop-X Mobile Imaging Robot by Brainlab to forge the future of the intelligent operating room.
Unberath is one of two recipients of the Johns Hopkins University Data Science and AI Institute’s inaugural Data Science and AI Trusted Dataset Awards.