Conditions on Input Vectors for Consensus Solvability in Asynchronous Distributed Systems
May 2, 2002 - Michel Raynal, IEEE International Conference on Distributed Comuting SystemsAn architecture for application-level overlay networks
April 22, 2002 - Andreas TerzisParallelizing Programs using Approximate Code
April 19, 2002 - Craig Zilles, University of Wisconsin, MadisonRandomized Motion Planning: Robots, Digital Actors, and Molecules
April 11, 2002 - David Hsu, University of North Carolina at Chapel HillApplications of Modeling and Simulation in Computational Biology
April 5, 2002 - Russell Schwartz, Celera GenomicsThe Active Streams Approach to Adaptive Distributed Systems
March 28, 2002 - Fabian E. Bustamante, Georgia Institute of TechnologyAlgorithmic Applications of Metric Embeddings
March 26, 2002 - Anupam Gupta, Bell LabsAlgorithms for Network Management
March 25, 2002 - Amit Kumar, Cornell UniversityInteractive Procedural Shading
March 15, 2002 - Marc Olano, Silicon Graphics, IncPattern Discovery and Computational Biology
March 14, 2002 - Laxmi Parida, IBMSelf-configuring Beacon Systems for Localizing Networked Sensors
March 11, 2002 - Nirupama Bulusu, University of California at Los AngelesAlgorithms for Fault-Tolerant Routing in Circuit-Switched Networks
March 7, 2002 - Amitabha Bagchi, Johns Hopkins UniversityAdaptive Scalable Internet Streaming
March 5, 2002 - Dmitri LoguinovArchitectural Interactions of I/O Networks and Inter-networks
March 4, 2002 - Philip Buonadonna, University of California, BerkeleyCombinatorial Approximation Algorithms for Network Design
February 25, 2002 - Adam Meyerson, Stanford UniversityCryptographic Systems: User Authentication and Authenticated Key-exchange
February 13, 2002 - Jonathan Katz, Columbia University