Image registration has been an active multidisciplinary research area with a variety of applications including alignment of satellite photography, video-based inspection in manufacturing line, and medical imaging. The important goal of image registration is not only aligning two datasets acquired in different coordinate systems, but also incorporating knowledge acquired from one dataset into the other to enhance information. The prior knowledge acquired from various sources including patient-specific preoperative imaging, knowledge of the shape and materials of prosthetics, and statistical information on human organs, can augment information acquired by a variety of measurements such as optical motion capture, video camera, x-ray projection, and low-dose (noisy) CT acquisition via registration. In this seminar, we present the registration framework for incorporation of prior knowledge and our attempts to wide range of real-world applications including biomechanical human motion analysis, intraoperative guidance, and CT reconstruction. The future perspective of this work toward more sophisticated data assimilation such as statistical atlas-based registration, deformable tool tracking, and endoscope video-based localization, are also discussed.
Speaker Biography
Yoshito Otake received the B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of Electronics Information and Communication Engineering, Waseda University (Japan) in 2000, 2002 and 2007. From 2002 to 2008, he was an Assistant Professor at the Institute for High Dimensional Medical Imaging in Jikei University School of Medicine (Japan). Since 2008, he has been working at the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering in the Johns Hopkins University. He has won several awards, including a best paper award at ICPRAM 2013, poster awards at SPIE 2010-2013. He received postdoctoral fellowship for research abroad from JSPS during 2009-2011 and was selected as an attendee of the Lindau Nobel Prize Laureate Meetings in 2011. His research interests include medical image registration, image-guided surgery, human motion analysis and computational anatomy.