The label “Cloud” attracts considerable hype and also sprawls across the immense ecosystem of servers, clients, mobile and cyber-physical computational, communication and storage elements. Despite this fuzz, fundamentally it is data and especially the integrity of the data across this spectrum of disparate Cloud elements that drives the value of the Cloud. While data consistency is indeed a key driver, this desired consistency also needs to be achieved efficiently (low latency wait-freedom, high availability) and in a robust manner resilient to the operational and deliberate disruptions (both crashes and attacks are a given with the ever expanding scale of Cloud!). This talk describes approaches for efficient & robust data consistency for Cloud Servers/Storage, and extensions to achieving consistency in mobile and cyber-physical medical scenarios.
Speaker Biography
Neeraj Suri is a Chair Professor of “Dependable Systems and Software” at TU Darmstadt, Germany and is affiliated with the Univ. of Texas at Austin and Microsoft Research. Following his PhD at the Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst, he has held both industry and academic positions at Allied-Signal/Honeywell Research, Boston Univ., the Saab Endowed Chair at Chalmers in Sweden, receiving trans-national funding from the EC, German DFG, NSF/DARPA/ONR/AFOSR, NASA, Microsoft, IBM, Hitachi, GM and others. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award, as well as Microsoft and IBM Faculty Awards. Suri’s professional services span associate Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing, editorial boards for IEEE Trans. on SW Engg., IEEE TPDS, ACM Computing Surveys, IEEE Security & Privacy and many others. He serves on advisory boards for Microsoft (Trustworthy Computing Academic Advisory Board, Strategy Advisor for MSR-ATL’s) and multiple other US/EU/Asia industry and university advisory boards. Suri chaired the IEEE Technical Committee on Dependability and Fault Tolerance, and it’s Steering Committee.