High-throughput sequencing has transformed biomedical research, however making sense of this resource requires sophisticated computational tools. We have developed the Galaxy platform that makes these tools available to a wide audience of researchers, while ensuring that analyses are reproducible and can be communicated transparently. In this talk I will introduce the Galaxy platform, describe challenges and solutions for scalability and sustainability including the Galaxy Cloudman project that makes this accessible analysis environment available on Cloud resources, enabling researchers without dedicated compute resources to perform large-scale data analysis cost effectively. Additionally, I will introduce the the new Galaxy visual analytics framework which provides an extensible solution for tightly integrated data analysis and visualization.
Speaker Biography
James Taylor is an Assistant Professor in the departments of Biology and Mathematics & Computer Science at Emory University. He is one of the original developers of the Galaxy platform for data analysis, and his group continues to work on extending the Galaxy platform. His group also works on understanding genomic and epigenomic regulation of gene transcription through integrated analysis of functional genomic data. James received a PhD in Computer Science from Penn State University, where he was involved in several vertebrate genome projects and the ENCODE project.