Succinct data structures let us work directly on near-optimally compressed data representations without decompressing.
How can derive new functional data structures from these techniques? Applications range from novel encodings for handling “big data” on disk with efficient aggregates and order statistics down to parsing JSON faster and in less memory
Speaker Biography
Edward spent most of his adult life trying to build reusable code in imperative languages before realizing he was building castles in sand. He converted to Haskell in 2006 while searching for better building materials. He now chairs the Haskell core libraries committee, collaborates with hundreds of other developers on over 150 projects on github, builds tools for quants and traders using the purely-functional programming-language Ermine for S&P Capital IQ, and is obsessed with finding better tools so that seven years from now he won’t be stuck solving the same problems with the same tools he was stuck using seven years ago.