Abhishek Jain

Contact Information


315 Malone Hall
Johns Hopkins University
3400 N. Charles St
Baltimore, MD 21218.
Phone: 410 516 4276

Abhishek Jain

Associate Professor in Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University

I am broadly interested in cryptography, computer security and privacy and related topics in theoretical computer science.

I co-lead the Cryptography Group and I am a member of the Theory Group and the Information Security Institute. My research is generously supported by NSF Career, DARPA, JP Morgan, Stellar, Cisco, Samsung and JHU awards. Previously, I completed my postdoctoral research at MIT CSAIL and BUSEC with Shafi Goldwasser and Ran Canetti, and my Ph.D. at UCLA where I was advised by Amit Sahai and Rafail Ostrovsky.

Update (Fall 2023): I am also a senior scientist at NTT Research. I am looking for interns and post-docs to work in Sunnyvale.

Publications Professional Activities Advising Teaching
