Instructor: Abhishek Jain
Time: 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm, Monday and Wednesday
Location: Shaffer 302
Office Hours: Drop by my office (Malone 315) or email
Prerequisites: CS 600.271/471 & AMS 550.171 or equivalent (exposure to undergraduate theory of computation, maturity with mathematical proofs)
Grading: 10% Scribes, 30% Homework, 20% Midterm, 40% Final
Scribe: Please follow this template. Hand in your latex source within one week of the lecture.
TA: Linfeng Zhou
Office Hours: 10am - 11 am, Wednesday, in Malone 339 (Exception: Oct 21, in Malone 203)
Review Session: 4pm - 5pm, Friday, in Malone 228 (Exception: Oct 23, in Malone 107)