CS 601.742: Advanced Topics in Cryptography (Spring 2020) |
Overview: We will cover recent advances in the design of efficient secure computation protocols and succinct (zero-knowledge) proofs. The focus will be on understanding some of the the core techniques that have been developed. There will be roughly three main themes: (i) Honest-majority MPC, (ii) Dishonest-majority MPC, (iii) Succinct (ZK) proofs. |
Class Schedule (Tentative; likely to change):
Date | Topic | Relevant Papers | Presenter |
Jan 31 | Secret Sharing and Semi-Honest BGW | Full Proof of BGW | Abhishek Jain |
Feb 7 | Scalable MPC: Packed Secret Sharing and Efficient Multiplication | [Franklin, Yung'92] [Damgård, Nielsen'07] [Damgård, Ishai, Krøigaard'10] | Aarushi Goel |
Feb 14 | Additive Attack Paradigm for Security with Abort | [Genkin, Ishai, Prabhakaran, Sahai, Tromer'14] [Chida, Genkin, Hamada, Ikarashi, Kikuchi, Lindell, Nof'18] | Aarushi Goel |
Feb 21 | Guaranteed Output Delivery via Player Elimination | [Beerlíova-Trubíniová, Hirt'08] [Goyal, Liu, Song'19] | Matthew Lombardo Lowen Peng |
Feb 28 | MPC-in-the-head Paradigm | [Ishai, Kushilevitz, Ostrovsky, Sahai'07] [Ishai, Prabhakaran, Sahai'08] | Gabrielle Beck |
March 6 | Offline-Online MPC - Secret-Sharing Approach | [Damgård, Pastro, Smart, Zakarias'12] [Keller, Orsini, Scholl'16] | Arka Rai Choudhuri |
March 13 | Class Canceled | ||
March 16 - 22 | Spring break | ||
March 27 | OT Extension | [Ishai, Kilian, Nissim, Petrank'03] [Keller-Orsini-Scholl'15] | Max Zinkus |
April 3 | Offline-Online MPC - (Authenticated) Garbling Approach | [Wang, Ranelluci, Katz'17a] [Wang, Ranelluci, Katz'17b] | Gabrielle Beck |
April 10 | PCPs and Succinct Proofs | [Kilian'92] [Micali'00] [Gentry, Wichs'10] | Gijs Van Laer |
April 17 | BulletProofs | [Bootle-Cerulli-Chaidos-Groth-Petit'16] [Bunz- Bootle-Boneh-Poelstra-Wuille-Maxwell'18] | Alishah Chator |
April 24 | Linear PCPs, QSPs, SSPs and SNARKs | [Bitansky, Chiesa, Ishai, Ostrovsky, Paneth'13] [Gennaro-Gentry-Parno-Raykova'13] [Danezis-Fournet-Groth-Kohlweiss'14] | Zhengzhong Jin |
May 1 | Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning | [TBA] | Rohit Bhat Tushar Jois |