Probabilistic Models of the Visual Cortex:
Tues/Thurs: 12:30-1:45 pm Fall 2015, Franz 5264.
The course gives an introduction to computational models of the mammalian visual cortex. It covers topics in low-, mid-, and high-level vision. It briefly discusses the relevant evidence from anatomy, electrophysiology, imaging (e.g., fMRI), and psychophysics. It concentrates on mathematical modelling of these phenomena taking into account recent progress in probabilistic models of computer vision and developments in machine learning.
Grading Plan: 4 homework assignments, 1 final
Homework 1:
Homework 2: Due 17/Nov/2015
Homework 3. Due 15/Dec/2015
Tentative Schedule.
Lecture | Date | Topics |
Reading Materials |
Handouts |
1 |
Sept-24 |
Introduction; Guest
Lecturer. Dr. Vittal Premachandran |
IntroLecture |
2 |
Sept-29 |
A Walk through the
Mammalian Visual System. Prof. C. Reid (Allen Institute)
online |
Lecture2 |
3 |
Oct-01 |
The Retina and Linear
Models of Simplified Cells |
RetinaIntroduction |
LinearModelsSimplifiedCells |
4 |
Oct-06 |
Introduction to V1, Simple
Cells in V1, Intro to Sparsity |
Lecture4 SimpleCellsCortex |
LinearFilters LinearFilterKokkinos |
5 |
Oct-08 |
Sparsity, Matched Filters,
Hebbian Learning, Regression |
HebbsRegression |
CurtisBaker |
6 |
Oct-13 | Filters Methods for
Binoculare Staero and Motion |
StereoMotion |
7 |
Oct-15 |
Probabilites, Decision
Theory, and Context |
ProbabilitiesDecisions |
ContextMarkov |
8 |
Oct-20 |
Boltzmann Machines |
BoltzmannMachines |
Online Lectures by G.
Hinton |
9 |
Oct-22 | Probabilities and Context
Review |
ContextExamples |
Previous Material and
YuilleKersten Chapter |
10 |
Oct-27 |
Context and Attention |
AttentionHierarchicalSegmentation |
LeeGroupExperimentsSummary |
11 |
Oct 29 |
Cue Coupling: Directed
Graphical Models. |
BasicCueCouping CausalCueCoupling |
CausalDivisive |
12 |
Nov 3 |
Motion Perception and
Prediction |
MotionModels |
Kalman2 KalmanMotionTracking |
13 |
Nov 5 |
Perceptrons and Multilayer Perceptrons | Perceptrons
MultilayerPerceptronsRegression |
14 |
Nov 10 |
Deep Networks: Guest Lecturer. Dr. Vittal Premachandran | DeepNetworksIntro
AlexNet |
DeepNetsAndRealNeurons |
15 |
Nov 12 |
Deep Network Example: With context | HumanPose
SemanticSegmentation |
ModelsVentralStream |
16 |
Nov 17 |
Compositional Hierarchical Models | CompositionComplexity
CompositionLearning |
MathsComposition |
17 |
Nov 19 |
Visual Grammars |
ParsingObjects BigPicture |
18 |
Nov 24 |
Reinforcement Learning | ReinforcementLearning |
ReinforcementNotes |
19 |
Dec 1 |
Recurrent Neural Networks
and LSTMs; Guest Lecturer Junhua Mao |
CriticalReviewRNNsLSTMs |
20 |
Dec 3 |
Review of Course |