Senapati S. Diwangkara

Diwang ('Di' as in dizzy, 'Wa' as in wander)

Greetings! I'm Diwang. I'm a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University, advised by Prof. Soudeh Ghorbani (also briefly co-advised with Prof. Ryan Huang). Before coming to Hopkins, I was an undergraduate research assistant at University of Chicago, advised by Prof. Haryadi Gunawi. I received my bachelor's degree from Institut Teknologi Bandung, with a Cum Laude distinction.

I came from Indonesia and was born and raised in the island of Java, which is the same Java the programming language is named after! So aside from being fluent in Java, I'm also fluent in Javanese.

Department of Computer Science
Johns Hopkins University
3400 N. Charles Street
245 S2 Malone Hall
Baltimore, MD, 21218
Email (for humans) (for invites)
Diwang's portrait


My research interest is a bit broad, but they're mostly bounded within the topics about assuring the reliability, security, and privacy of a complex distributed systems (e.g. distributed database, network infrastructure, blockchain, etc.)

Publications and Manuscript



Misc Interest