Osteonecrosis Project

More than 20,000 patients are diagnosed each year with osteonecrosis of the femoral head, most of them aged between 20 and 50 years. Delayed treatment of these patients leads to total hip arthroplasty (THA) surgery. Osteonecrosis disrupts blood supply to the femoral head which causes pain and eventually leads to collapse of the subchondral bone. To reduce the pressure in the femoral head, enhance vascular flow, and alleviate pain, core decompression was developed more than three decades ago. It is the most common early-stage treatment of osteonecrosis to preserve the femoral head from total hip replacement [2].

Publication: Localizing dexterous surgical tools in X-ray for image-based navigation

at IPCAI 2019, Rennes France.

We presented a learning-based strategy to simultaneously localize and segment dexterous surgical tools in X-ray images. Our results on synthetic and ex vivo data are promising and encourage training of our ConvNet on a more exhaustive dataset. We currently investigate how these results translate to other real data and investigate methods to use semantic information extracted by the proposed network to reliably and robustly initialize image-based 2D/3D registration.

IPCAI trip shots


[1] https://www.goudelis.gr/en/content/femoral-head-osteonecrosis-avascular-necrosis

[2] Alambeigi, Farshid, et al. "A curved-drilling approach in core decompression of the femoral head osteonecrosis using a continuum manipulator." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2.3 (2017): 1480-1487.