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glodGetObjectParameteriv, glodGetObjectParameterfv - Gets an object parameter


void glodGetObjectParameteriv(GLuint name, GLenum pname, GLint* param)

void glodGetObjectParameterfv(GLuint name, GLenum pname, GLfloat* param)


name, pname, param
Sets param[0...k] to the property named pname of the object named name


Sets param[0] to be the number of patches in this object

Sets param[0 .. GLOD_NUM_PATCHES-1] to be the patch names for this object. There is no guarantee that the order of these indices is the order in which they were inserted into GLOD.

Sets for i=0 .. GLOD_NUM_PATCHES-1], sets:
   param[i*2]     = (number of indices in patch i)
   param[i*2 + 1] = (number of vertices in patch i)

These parameters are used to determine the number of elements and number of vertices that would be produced were you to read-back the i-th patch of this object.

For glodFillArrays() , you should allocate your vertex pointer (etc) to contain 3*param[i*2] = 3*num_indices vertex elements.

For glodFillElements() , you should allocate your vertex pointer (etc) to contain param[i*2+1] = num_verts vertex elements. You should allocate your element pointer to contain param[i*2] = num_indices vertex elements.

Sets param[0] to be the size, in bytes, of this object, were it to be read back using glodReadbackObject()


This function returns silently and without modifying param if pname is incorrect.

GLOD_INVALID_NAME is generated if the specified object does not exist.
GLOD_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY is generated if the parameter name is not recognized.
GLOD_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY is generated if the data type you chose for this parameter is not supported.

Last modified: 06/10/04 06:32:25 PM