**NOTE**: The following is only a template to help you critique a paper. Your reviews do not have to follow the format or all the questions. Be brief in articulating your review (try to keep it under 500 words). * What is the motivation/goal of this work? - Why the problem is important? - What are prior solutions and why they are inadequate? * What is the main proposal of the paper? - Is it proposing a new idea, refuting common wisdoms, or applying (a combination of) existing ideas in a new context? - What insight, if any, is behind the proposed solution? - Why is the proposal better than prior solutions? * How well does the proposed solution work? - What experiments, analyses are conducted to evaluate the solution? - Do these results and analyses back up the authors' claim? - Are there any missing aspects in the evaluation? * Are you convinced? - that the proposed idea/solution is good? - that it will work well in practice? - e.g., will you be comfortable using it? - If not, what flaws you see in the work that can be improved? - Did you learn something new? * What questions are you left with? - Are there any confusing parts of the paper or missing points that are not addressed? * What is the overall take-away message of this work? - Be concise. * For historical papers: - What historical context (e.g., hardware trend) is the work in? - What things you were taking for granted but now understand how they came to be? - Is the paper still relevant for today? - If so, in what way? - If not, what has changed?