001    /** This class tests your implementation of the Numeric interface, using
002     * a main function.  The version here is just to get you started.
003     * The graders will actually do a more rigorous test of your implementation,
004     * so you should extend this file yourself to test that everything is
005     * really working to your satisfaction.
006     */
008    public class NumericTest {
010      /** Print "s: n" using System.out.println.
011       * The Numeric object n is printed as a long and also using toString.
012       * Typically used to print the answer of a test. 
013       */
015      public static void printit(String s, Numeric n) {
016        System.out.println(s + ": " + n.longValue() + " " + n);
017      }
019      /** Test the RussianDoll implementation of Numeric. */
021      public static void main(String[] args) {
022        Numeric n1 = RussianDoll.valueOf(20L);
023        Numeric n2 = RussianDoll.valueOf(7L);
024        printit("20", n1);
025        printit(" 7", n2);
026        printit("sum", n1.add(n2));
028        Numeric[] qr =  n1.divideAndRemainder(n2);
029        printit(" quotient", qr[0]);
030        printit(" remainder", qr[0]);
031      }
032    }