You can browse the documentation and source code for these classes in
the doc subdirectory, or at

To compile and test these classes:

1. Check that you have the Java compiler installed on your system:
   just type "javac" at the command prompt.  It should be installed on
   the CS department machines.
   If the compiler is NOT found, you can download it.  What you need
   is the JDK (Java Development Kit) or the Java Platform.  The latest
   version is 1.4 (actually, 1.4.1) although you may be able to make
   do with earlier versions.  

   (Note: In "Java 2," the "2" is not part of the version number; it's
   just marketing and you can ignore it.)

   Download the JDK from
   although Linux users will probably get better performance from
   the Blackdown project's implementation:

2. Type 
   to compile and all the other java files it depends
   on.  This will produce a bunch of .class files.

3. To run, type

4. To create HTML documentation, use the javadoc utility.  I 
   suggest that you put the documentation in a separate directory
   to avoid clutter.  

   Make a subdirectory called doc, and type
      javadoc -d doc -private -linksource *.java

   The -d doc option says where to put the HTML documentation.
   The -private option ensures that private methods will be documented.
   The -linksource option lets you click a method name to see its 
      source code.  (Available starting with Java SDK 1.4.)

   Now you can view the documentation in your browser at the URL

5. OPTIONAL.  If you want the source code to be hyperlinked too, try
   downloading one of these tools:  (hyperlinks everything)  (hyperlinks class names only)

   For example, to use xref-java2html once you've installed it:

   a. First run javadoc with the -linksource option as above.  If you
      told javadoc to put the documentation in
      /home/jason/226/toilet/doc, then an HTML version of the sources
      will end up in the subdirectory /home/jason/226/toilet/doc/src-html

   b. Now start the xref-java2html GUI:
      java -jar /full/path/to/java2html.jar

   c. Browse to your source directory and "Add" it to the Sources box.
      For example, /home/jason/226/toilet 

   d. In the target directory box, enter the src-html directory where 
      javadoc placed the HTML version of the sources, as described in
      a. above.  For example, /home/jason/226/toilet/doc/src-html

   e. If you relied on any nonstandard packages, you could add them to
      the Cut Paths box.  For this example, you can leave that blank.

   f. Click "Run".  This will modify the HTML version of the sources.

6. OPTIONAL.  If you're teaching and want to make slides :-), try this:

    stripcmt | perl -0777 -pe 's/\s*?\n/\n/g; s/\n\n+/\n\n/g' | enscript -rB -f Courier16
    stripcmt | perl -0777 -pe 's/\s*?\n/\n/g; s/\n\n+/\n\n/g' | enscript -rB -f Courier16
    stripcmt | perl -0777 -pe 's/\s*?\n/\n/g; s/\n\n+/\n\n/g' | enscript -rB -f Courier16
    stripcmt | perl -0777 -pe 's/\s*?\n/\n/g; s/\n\n+/\n\n/g' | enscript -rB -f Courier16