Instructor: Michael Dinitz (Office Hours: Wednesday 4 - 6pm, Malone 217)
Place/Time: Shaffer 3, T/Th 12pm - 1:15pm
Teaching Assistants: (Office hours in Malone 216)
Course Assistants: (Office hours in Malone 216)
- Alexandre Hecksher Gomes: Th 3 - 4
- Ayush Dalmia: T 10 - 11, F 2-3
- Daniel Qian: W 2 - 4
- Danielle Currey: F 3 - 4
- Gautam Prabhu: T 4 - 6
- Jung Min Lee: M 10 - 12
- Lyle Paskowitz: T 11 - 12, Th 4 - 6
- Manan Aggarwal: F 4 - 5
- Randy Kuang: Th 1:30 - 3
- Richard Guo
- Tan Nguyen
- Tiger Gao
- William Li: W 12 - 2
Discussion group: Piazza. Use this for asking homework/exam/general questions. All official course announcements will also be posted to this group.
Homework submission: Gradescope. Use entry code M8DY5K.
Official Syllabus: PDF