Speaker: David Harris
Affiliation: University of Maryland – College Park
Title: Lopsidependency in the Moser-Tardos framework: Beyond the Lopsided Lov\'{a}sz Local Lemma
Abstract: The Lopsided Lovasz Local Lemma (LLLL) is a powerful probabilistic principle which has been used in a variety of combinatorial constructions. While this principle began as a general statement about probability spaces, it has recently been transformed into a variety of polynomial-time algorithms. The resampling algorithm of Moser & Tardos is the most well-known example of this. A variety of criteria have been shown for the LLLL; the strongest possible criterion was shown by Shearer, and other criteria which are easier to use computationally have been shown by Bissacot et al, Pegden, and Kolipaka & Szegedy.
We show a new criterion for the Moser-Tardos algorithm to converge. This criterion is stronger than the LLLL criterion, and in fact can yield better results even than the full Shearer criterion. This is possible because it does not apply in the same generality as the original LLLL; yet, it is strong enough to cover many applications of the LLLL in combinatorics. We show a variety of new bounds and algorithms. A noteworthy application is for $k$-SAT, with bounded occurences of variables. As shown in Gebauer, Szabo, and Tardos, a $k$-SAT instance in which every variable appears $L \leq \frac{2^{k+1}}{e (k+1)}$ times, is satisfiable. Although this bound is asymptotically tight (in $k$), we improve it to $L \leq \frac{2^{k+1} (1 – 1/k)^k}{k-1} – \frac{2}{k}$ which can be significantly stronger when $k$ is small.