Speaker: Sai Lakshmi Bhavana Obbattu
Affiliation: IISC Bangalore, India
Title: Privacy Amplification from Non-malleable Codes
The goal of a Privacy Amplification (PA) protocol is to allow two parties, who start out sharing a non-uniform secret ‘w’, to agree on a uniform secret ‘k’, in the presence of a computationally unbounded man-in-the-middle adversary. An interactive PA protocol is rated based on three parameters: 1) Number of rounds, 2) Entropy loss (entropy of w – |k|), and 3) Min-entropy requirement for w, while the asymptotically optimal parameters are 2, O(s) and O(s+log n) respectively (where s is the security parameter and n =|w|). There have been two popular approaches to solve this problem: one using use bit authentication protocols and the other using non-malleable extractors, but none of the prior protocols using these approaches had all asymptotically optimal parameters.
We give an alternate approach to solve the problem using Non-malleable Codes (NMCs). This approach results in a 8-round protocol with min-entropy requirement O(s+log n) and an entropy loss of O(s log s). Augmented NMCs with better parameters would result in optimal entropy loss of O(s). Our result is one of the first information theoretic applications of NMCs. In this talk, I will introduce NMCs and show connection of NMCs to PA.
In a concurrent and independent work, Xin Li gives a protocol with asymptotically optimal parameters based on non-malleable extractors. Because all known approaches have large hidden constants, exploring alternatives is necessary if we hope to get practical concrete parameters
The talk is based on:
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Bhavana Kanukurthi, Sai Lakshmi Bhavana Obbattu and Sruthi Sekar. Privacy Amplification from Non-malleable Codes. (eprint.iacr.org/2018/293)
Bhavana Kanukurthi, Sai Lakshmi Bhavana Obbattu and Sruthi Sekar. Non-malleable Randomness Encoders and their Applications (Eurocrypt 2018)
Bio: Sai Lakshmi Bhavana Obbattu is a doctoral student at Indian Institute of Science(IISc), Bangalore, advised by Dr. Bhavana Kanukurthi. Her publication venues include the Theory of Cryptography Conference (TCC) and Eurocrypt. Her TCC publication on Four-state Non-malleable Codes was invited to the Journal of Cryptology. She received her Integrated Dual Degree (B.Tech and M.Tech) from IIT(BHU), Varanasi. Her research interests include Non-malleable codes, Privacy Amplification and Applied Multi-party computation.