The challenge in answering these questions is that we cannot directly restrict the linear system to the subspace $V\subset W$ since (i) the image of $A$ need not be contained in $V$, even when the domain of the operator is restricted to $V$ and (ii) the vector $b$ need not be in $V$.
To address these challenges, we replace the linear system $A(x)=b$ with its weak formulation. Specifically, thinking of the inner-product $g:W\times W\rightarrow{\mathbb R}$ as a map from the primal space to the dual: \begin{align*} g:W&\rightarrow W^*\\ w&\mapsto g(w,\cdot) \end{align*} we consider the system: \begin{equation} A_W(x) = b_W \label{eq:weak_form}\tag{1} \end{equation} with $A_W=(g\circ A):W\rightarrow W^*$ and $b_W=g(b)\in W^*$.
The advantage of working with the weak formulation is that when $V$ is a subspace of $W$, any element $w^*\in W^*$ can be thought of as an element of $V^*$. This is because $w^*$ is a linear map from $W$ to ${\mathbb R}$ and so, by restricting the domain of $w^*$, can be thought of as a linear map from $V$ to ${\mathbb R}$.
Formally, letting $\imath_V^W:V\hookrightarrow W$ denote the (trivial) injection operator of $V$ into $W$, we have the dual map $(\imath_V^W)^*:W^*\rightarrow V^*$ taking linear functionals on $W$ to linear functionals on $V$.
In particular, (i) $A_W$ can be thought of a map from $V$ to $V^*$ by restricting the domain of $A_W$ to $V$ and thinking of the output of $A_W$ as an element of $V^*$, and (ii) the vector $b_W$ can be thought of as an element of $V^*$: $$A_V\equiv(\imath_V^W)^*\circ A_W\circ\imath_V^W:V\rightarrow V^*\qquad\hbox{and}\qquad b_V\equiv(\imath_V^W)^*(b_W)\in V^*.$$ This gives the restriction of the linear system to $V$: $$A_V(x) = b_V.$$
In particular, the restriction of the linear system to $U$ becomes: $${\mathbf A}_U(x) = {\mathbf b}_U$$ with $${\mathbf A}_U = {\mathbf P}^\top\cdot{\mathbf A}_V\cdot{\mathbf P}\qquad\hbox{and}\qquad{\mathbf b}_U = {\mathbf P}^\top\cdot {\mathbf b}_V.$$
If $w\in\hbox{Ker}(A_W)$, we have: \begin{align*} E_W(x_0+w,x) &= [A_W(x^0+w-x)](x^0+w-x)\\ &= [A_W(x^0-x)](x^0+w-x)\\ &= [A_W(x^0+w-x)](x^0-x)\\ &= [A_W(x^0-x)](x^0-x)\\ &= E_W(x_0,x), \end{align*} where the third equality follows from the symmetry of the operator $A_W$.
This energy is stricly non-negative and only vanishes for $x\in W$ which are solutions to the system $A_W(x)=b_W$. Thus, solving the linear system $A_W(x)=b_W$ is equivalent to finding the value of $x$ minimizing the energy $E_W(x_0,x)$.
Since $b_W(x^0)$ is independent of $x$, finding $x\in W$ minimizing $E_W(x_0,x)$ is equivalent to finding $x\in W$ minimizing $E_W(x)$ with: $$E_W(x) = [A_W(x)](x) - 2b_W(x).$$
Analogously, we can define the restricted energy on $V$, setting:
$$E_V(x) = [A_V(x)](x) - 2b_V(x).$$
As above, this energy is minimized precisely when $A_V(x) = b_V$.
The energy $E_V(x)$ is minimized at $x\in V$ only if the gradient of the energy vanishes at $x$. Taking the gradient at $x\in V$ and setting it to zero, we get:
$$0 = \nabla E_V\Big|_x = 2\left(A_V(x) - b_V\right).$$
Thus, the gradient of $E_V(x)$ vanishes if and only if $A_V(x) = b_V$.
Since the operator $A_W$ is symmetric positive semi-definite, so is $A_V$. Thus, the energy $E_V$ is convex, all minima have the same value, and the gradient of $E_V$ only vanishes at the global minima. So the energy $E_V$ is minimized if and only if $A_V(x) = b_V$.
Finally, we note that given $x\in V$: $$E_V(x) = [A_V(x)](x) - 2b_V(x) = [A_W(\imath(x))](\imath(x)) - 2b_W(\imath(x)) = [A_W(x)](x) - 2b_W(x) = E_W(x).$$ Thus the restriction of the system to $V\subset W$ is consistent in that it reduces to a minimization of the same energy as the one minimized over $W$.