Assignment 3 Extra Credit: Fortune's Algorithm
Due on April 29 (Wednesday) @ 11:59 pm
For this extra credit part of assignment 3 you will implement Fortune's algorithm for computing the 2D Voronoi Diagram in log-linear time.
- The code skeleton can be downloaded here.
- Some input point sets can be downloaded here.
- Note that input and output geometry is in the PLY file format.
- To compute the dual Delaunay Triangulation you need to specify an output PLY file. Otherwise, if one is not specified, an OpenGL viewer will pop up, allowing you to visualize the implementation as the sweep-line advances.
Getting Started
You should use the code ( as a starting point for your assignment. You will need to add your code where it says:
// You need to implement this
After you download the files, the first thing to do is compile the program.
- On a Windows Machine
Begin by double-clicking on Assignments.sln
to open the workspace in Microsoft Visual Studios.
- Compile the
and Delaunay2D
executables by clicking on "Build" and then selecting "Build Solution".
- The executables
and Delaunay2D.exe
are compiled in Release mode for the 64-bit architecture and will be placed in the directory Bin/x64/.
Note that the Bin/x64/ directory contains the files glut32.lib and glut64.dll which should be enough to get you running on Windows.
- On a Unix Machine
- Type
to compile the VoronoiDiagram2D
- The executables
and Delaunay2D
are compiled in Release mode and will be placed in the directory Bin/Linux/.
Note that you will likely need to install the glut libraries on you machine, as well as the JPEG, PNG, and ZLIB libraries for the code to compile.
How the Program Works
The program VoronoiDiagram2D
runs on the command line. It reads in a set of 2D points (with integer coefficients) in from a PLY file and either outputs the Delaunay Triangulation or shows a visualization of Fortune's sweep-line algorithm. (Note that the point-sets provided in should be nice, in the sense that no two points are co-horizontal, no three points are collinear, no four points are co-circular, and no point is directly below the circumcenter of three points.)
- --in <input 2D point set>
This string specifies the name of the file from which the 2D sites are read.
The representation of the geometry is assumed to be in PLY format.
- [--out <output Delaunay Triangulation>]
This string is the name of the file to which the Delaunay Triangulation will be written.
The representation of the geometry is assumed to be in PLY format.
- [--stepSize <step size>=0.1]
This optional floating point value indicates the size of the steps used to advance the sweep-line forward when visualizing using constant step sizes instead of advancing directly to the next event.
- [--ascii]
If this arugment is provided the output PLY file will be written out in ASCII, making it easy to read using a standard text editor. Otherwise it will be written out in binary to save space.
- [--verbose]
If this arugment is provided the executable will provide verbose output about the state of the algorithm (including running the sanity checker after each event to ensure that the beach-line is self-consistent.)
What You Have to Do
The key to implementing this algorithm is implementing the method Fortune::State::processNextEvent which pops the next event from the event-list, updates the position of the sweep-line (encoded in the static variable Fortune::BeachLineElement::Height), and does the appropritate processing. Many helper functions have been provided for you, though others have been left unimplemented. While the skeleton is provided to make your life easier, you can feel free to deviate from it (or ignore it altogether) if you so choose.
If you stick to the skeleton, you should be able to implement the algorithm by modifying Util/Geometry.inl and VoronoiDiagram2D/Fortune.[h/inl]. (My own implementation did require declaring additional methods in VoronoiDiagram2D.h.)
Code will be evaluated based on correctness (and efficiency).
Please email your implemented source code to me. (The code should compile under Windows/Linux and should not require any additional libraries.)