Instructions for Authors for Camera-ready Final Versions of
ACL-2000 Conference Papers
These instructions are only for authors of the papers accepted to
the ACL-2000 conference. Authors for papers for workshops as well
as the Student Workshop, please contact the corresponding
- Please let us know about your audio-visual
requirements as soon as possible.
- Authors must print the attached Copyright
Transfer Agreement, complete it and return it along
with their final camera-ready copies to the address given
- Authors of papers dealing with implemented software systems
are encouraged to demonstrate their systems as part of the
ACL-2000 demonstrations program. Interested parties should contact
the ACL-2000 Demonstrations Chair (
immediately. Although the deadline for submission of demo proposals
has elapsed, the ACL-2000 demonstrations chair might be accommodate
proposals from authors of accepted papers.
Consult the
Software Demonstrations Program Page for further details.
- Papers should be prepared according to the following guidelines:
- The maximum length of a paper is 8 pages. Up to two extra pages
can be purchased for 250 US$ each; please include a check payable to
the Association for Computational Linguistics along with your camera
ready copies.
- Use A4 size paper. (If you have significant hardship
printing on A4 size paper, please send mail to You
MUST send us three hardcopies of your paper, printed single-sided.
Electronic versions are not an acceptable substitute for the hard
- Center the title of the manuscript along with authors' names and
their complete addresses at the top of the first page.
- Generally print all text, including titles and figures,
in two-column format where each column is 3.0in by 9.25in (7.6cm
by 23.5cm) and there is a 0.25in (0.6cm) space between the two
columns. Exceptions to the two-column format include the title
and author information at the top of the first page and any
full-width figures or tables.
- Text should be centered on each page. On A4 paper, this
roughly means leaving 1in (2.5cm) margins on left and right
sides of each page as well as a 1.2in (3.0cm) margin on the
top of each page.
- Type single spaced.
- Print on only one side of the page.
- Indent when starting a new paragraph.
- Use standard fonts such as Times Roman or Computer Modern
Roman, 11 to 12 points for text, 14 to 16 points for headings and
- Do not print page numbers. Instead, please number the
pages clearly on the reverse side, in pencil.
All style files for the submission of the final version are
available in this directory . This includes
our LaTeX style file acl2000.sty
which implements most of the requirements. It is intended for use
with the acl.bst BibTeX bibliography
style. An MS Word
document template is also available.
Be warned that use of these files on some systems may produce
incorrect results. Therefore, verify that the margins and font
size of your output conform to the guidelines. If they do not,
you are responsible for making the appropriate adjustments. Some
adjustments that may be useful are found
If you discover some adjustment that we have not listed, please
mail us what you have found
so that we can add it to our list.
- Three copies of your final, camera-ready paper must reach us no
later than August 1st, 2000. Please note that we are working on a short
time-line and the papers will need to be sent to the publisher soon
after receipt. In order to guarantee that your paper is included in
the final proceedings, we ask that you take care to ensure that the
paper is RECEIVED by the August 1st deadline.
The mailing address:
ACL-2000 Paper
c/o K. Vijay-Shanker
103 Smith Hall
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
You can use +1 (302) 831-2712 if the courier service you are using
requires a phone number to be listed.
- For the first time, the ACL proceedings will also be
available on a CD-ROM. Therefore, in addition to the three
hardcopies, you are also required to provide a pdf file of your
paper. The authors are responsible for ensuring that the suitable
fonts are included when necessary in preparing the pdf file. If
you are unable to produce a pdf file, please let us know
The pdf file for the CD-ROM proceedings must also be submitted on
or before August 1, 2000. The submission of the pdf file can be
done by (in order of preference):
- Send email to with the URL of the site from which we can
download the pdf file.
- Send the pdf file via email (addressed to ).
- Please send an email message to
giving us the
name and email address of the author we can contact during the
period August 1, 2000 through August 15, 2000. We may need to
contact you in case there are any problems we notice with the
submission of the hardcopies or the pdf file.
- Any enquiries regarding the submission of camera ready
hardcopies or the pdf file should be addressed to . Please
include your paper id-code in the Subject line of your message.