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Johns Hopkins University The Whiting School of Engineering

Jason Eisner

ACL Fellow

Jason Eisner Department of Computer Science
Johns Hopkins University
3400 N. Charles Street, Hackerman 226
Baltimore, MD 21218-2680   U.S.A.

Facebook: @jeisner
Twitter: @adveisner
Scholar: citations
G+: profile page
Office: Hackerman 324C
Phone: ask me
Zoom: ask me
Skype: jasoneisner (email me to set up a time)
Fax: (410) 516-6134

Department of Computer Science   (my primary appointment)
Center for Language and Speech Processing   (my major multi-departmental center at JHU)
Data Science and AI Institute   (large community of ML/AI researchers at JHU)
Mathematical Institute for Data Science   (see also older Machine Learning Group page)
Department of Cognitive Science   (my joint appointment)

My Work

What I Work On

Novel methods in NLP and ML. Focusing on probabilistic modeling and inference in complex, structured, or ill-defined settings.

This often involves new machine learning; creative uses and modifications of large language models; probabilistic models of linguistic structure, human behavior, and machine behavior; combinatorial algorithms and approximate inference.

I'm also into designing declarative specification languages backed by general efficient algorithms (and adaptive execution). This produces a coherent view of all of the modeling and algorithmic options, and accelerates the research of others.

Why? [click here]

What? [click here]



See also other tutorial material.



Undergraduates are often curious about their teachers' secret lives. In the name of encouraging curiosity-driven research, here are a few photos:

And some non-photos:

If I had a geek code, it would be GCS/O/M/MU d-(+) s:- a+ C++$ ULS+(++) L++ P++ E++>+++ W++ N++ o+ K++ w@ !O V- PS++ PE- Y+ PGP b++>+++ !tv G e++++ h- r+++ y+++, but I disapprove of the feeping creaturism of these things.
