open source statistical hierarchical phrase-based machine translation system
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Installation & Setup

Welcome to the developer documentation for the Joshua hierarchical statistical machine translation system. Joshua can be used in two ways: by downloading packaged releases from the main web site and by installing directly from the hosted source code Github. The former version is intended for people who just wish to use Joshua, and the latter for people who wish to contribute to the codebase. This page is for developers; if you only wish to use Joshua (including, for example, its prebuilt language packs, then you probably want the end-user documentation.

Source code

The Joshua source code repository is located at

Development tools required

Environment setup

You'll need to set your $JAVA_HOME to point to your Java 7+ JDK. Typical values are

# OS X
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_71.jdk/Contents/Home

# Redhat / CentOS
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default

Getting started

You can download Joshua and compile it with the following commands.

git clone
cd joshua
export JOSHUA=$(pwd)

The main ant build target target downloads a number of dependencies using Ivy, along with the Thrax submodule, and then compiles everything, include support tools like KenLM and GIZA++ (which are included).

Using Moses

Moses is used for (1) tuning with kbmira and (2) as an option for extracting GHKM grammars. If you wish to do either of these, you will need to download and install Moses 3+. A simplified approach

Setting up Eclipse

We recommend the use of Eclipse for Joshua development. When setting up Eclipse, please import the Eclipse settings under $JOSHUA/.settings.


If you run into troubles, you can post to the Joshua Developers' Forum. You might also be interested in the support forum for Joshua users.

If you find bugs in Joshua, the best thing is to fix them yourself and submit a pull request. Alternately, you can file bug reports, feature requests, and other issues on the Joshua issues page.

Building a new release

Here's an example of building a release versioned "2012-07-18". It will be placed at release/joshua-2012-07-18.tgz.

export JOSHUA_VERSION=2012-07-18
export HADOOP=/path/to/hadoop
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/path/to/hadoop/config
export AWS_SDK=/path/to/aws
export AWS_VERSION="1.1.3"

git clone
cd joshua
export JOSHUA=`pwd`
git submodule update --init
cd thrax
ant release

Adding dependencies

Dependencies such as JAR archives are automatically downloaded by the Apache Ivy dependency management tool, which is designed to interact with the ant build tool.

To add a new dependency to the list of automatically downloaded archive libraries, follow these steps:

  1. Search for the library in Maven Central Repository or MVN Repository.
  2. If the desired library is found, both websites provide the line that you would add under <dependencies> in ivy.xml. E.g. for asm-3.1.jar, the line that would be added is:
    <dependency org="asm" name="asm" rev="3.1"/>
    More obscure libraries can be found to be hosted in less common repositories. Additional repositories can be added to the $JOSHUA/ivysettings.xml file.