500.112 (E) |
GATEWAY COMPUTING: JAVA (3) staff This course introduces fundamental programming concepts and techniques, and is intended for all who plan to develop computational artifacts or intelligently deploy computational tools in their studies and careers. Topics covered include the design and implementation of algorithms using variables, control structures, arrays, functions, files, testing, debugging, and structured program design. Elements of object-oriented programming, algorithmic efficiency and data visualization are also introduced. Students deploy programming to develop working solutions that address problems in engineering, science and other areas of contemporary interest that vary from section to section. Course homework involves significant programming. Attendance and participation in class sessions are expected. See SIS class search for sections. |
MWF 50 minutes, limit 19/section |
601.104 (H) |
COMPUTER ETHICS (1) Leschke Students will examine a variety of topics regarding policy, legal, and moral issues related to the computer science profession itself and to the proliferation of computers in all aspects of society, especially in the era of the Internet. The course will cover various general issues related to ethical frameworks and apply those frameworks more specifically to the use of computers and the Internet. The topics will include privacy issues, computer crime, intellectual property law -- specifically copyright and patent issues, globalization, and ethical responsibilities for computer science professionals. Work in the course will consist of weekly assignments on one or more of the readings and a final paper on a topic chosen by the student and approved by the instructor. |
Sec 01: Wed 4:30-6:30, alternate weeks (start 1/27)
601.220 (E)
INTERMEDIATE PROGRAMMING (4) staff This course teaches intermediate to advanced programming, using C and C++. (Prior knowledge of these languages is not expected.) We will cover low-level programming techniques, as well as object-oriented class design, and the use of class libraries. Specific topics include pointers, dynamic memory allocation, polymorphism, overloading, inheritance, templates, collections, exceptions, and others as time permits. Students are expected to learn syntax and some language specific features independently. Course work involves significant programming projects in both languages. Prereq: C+ or better grade in AP CS, 601.107, 600.112, 500.112/113/114, 580.200 or equivalent. |
Sec 01 (Hovemeyer): MWF 12-1:15 |
601.226 (EQ) |
DATA STRUCTURES (4) Madooei This course covers the design, implementation and efficiencies of data structures and associated algorithms, including arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, binary trees, heaps, balanced trees and graphs. Other topics include sorting, hashing, Java generics, and unit testing. Course work involves both written homework and Java programming assignments. Prereq: C+ or better grade in 500.112, 601.107, or 601.220. |
Sec 01: MWF 12-1:15 |
601.229 (E) |
COMPUTER SYSTEM FUNDAMENTALS (3) Hovemeyer We study the design and performance of a variety of computer systems from simple 8-bit micro-controllers through 32/64-bit RISC architectures all the way to ubiquitous x86 CISC architecture. We'll start from logic gates and digital circuits before delving into arithmetic and logic units, registers, caches, memory, stacks and procedure calls, pipelined execution, super-scalar architectures, memory management units, etc. Along the way we'll study several typical instruction set architectures and review concepts such as interrupts, hardware and software exceptions, serial and other peripheral communications protocols, etc. A number of programming projects, frequently done in assembly language and using various processor simulators, round out the course. Prereq: 601.220. |
Sec 01: MWF 9 Sec 02: MWF 10 |
601.231 (EQ) |
AUTOMATA and COMPUTATION THEORY (3) Li This course is an introduction to the theory of computing. topics include design of finite state automata, pushdown automata, linear bounded automata, Turing machines and phrase structure grammars; correspondence between automata and grammars; computable functions, decidable and undecidable problems, P and NP problems, NP-completeness, and randomization. Students may not receive credit for 600.271/601.231 and 600.471/601.631 for the same degree. Prereq: 553.171/172. |
TuTh 1:30-2:45
601.277 (QS) |
DISINFORMATION SELF-DEFENSE (3) Shpitser Scientific, statistical and logical literacy is a necessary skill for evaluating policy proposals, reading news articles with an appropriately critical eye, and making informed choices as consumers and voters. Misunderstanding of claims made in scientific publications, online publishing platforms, and mass media drives, in part, the spread of malicious misinformation and propaganda online. Further, many actors have the means, the motive and the opportunity to mislead the public in a variety of subtle and not so subtle ways. This class will give you tools to discern valid and invalid forms of inference and discourse, and give you tools to communicate precisely, argue appropriately, and stay on top of research and news with an appropriately skeptical attitude. The class will draw on historical and modern literature on linguistic, logical, and probabilistic fallacies, statistical and logical inference, data visualization, cognitive biases, and the scientific method. Prereq: EN.553.171/EN.553.172 Discrete Math or AS.150.118 Intro to Formal Logic, or equivalent, or permission. |
TuTh 3-4:15 |
601.290 (E) |
USER INTERFACES AND MOBILE APPLICATIONS (3) Selinski This course will provide students with a rich development experience, focused on the design and implementation of user interfaces and mobile applications. A brief overview of human computer interaction will provide context for designing, prototyping and evaluating user interfaces. Students will invent their own mobile applications and implement them using the Android SDK, which is JAVA based. An overview of the Android platform and available technologies will be provided, as well as XML for layouts, and general concepts for effective mobile development. Students will be expected to explore and experiment with outside resources in order to learn technical details independently. There will also be an emphasis on building teamwork skills, and on using modern development techniques and tools. [Oral] Prereq: 601.220 and 601.226. |
MW 3-4:15 |
601.310(E) |
SOFTWARE FOR RESILIENT COMMUNITIES (3) Amir This is a project-based course focusing on the design and implementation of practical software systems. Students will work in small teams to design and develop useful open-source software products that support our communities. Students will be paired with community partners and will aim to develop software that can be used after the course ends to solve real problems facing those partners today. Instructors will connect with the community partners and determine viable project areas prior to the course start. Students will meet with their community partners to analyze the challenges in their project area, agree on a concrete target project outcome, and gather requirements for their project. Based on these requirements, students will design and implement open-source software systems. [Oral] Prereq: (600.120 or 601.220) and (600.226 or 601.226) and permission. |
Th 4:30-7p |
601.315 (E) |
DATABASES (3) More Introduction to database management systems and database design, focusing on the relational and object-oriented data models, query languages and query optimization, transaction processing, parallel and distributed databases, recovery and security issues, commercial systems and case studies, heterogeneous and multimedia databases, and data mining. [Systems] Prereq: 600/601.226. Students may receive credit for only one of 601.315/415/615. Graduate students not permitted. |
TuTh 9-10:15 |
601.350 (E) |
GENOMIC DATA SCIENCE (3) Salzberg [Formerly Intro to Genomic Research] This course will use a project-based approach to introduce undergraduates to research in computational biology and genomics. During the semester, students will take a series of large data sets, all derived from recent research, and learn all the computational steps required to convert raw data into a polished analysis. Data challenges might include the DNA sequences from a bacterial genome project, the RNA sequences from an experiment to measure gene expression, the DNA from a human microbiome sequencing experiment, and others. Topics may vary from year to year. In addition to computational data analysis, students will learn to do critical reading of the scientific literature by reading high-profile research papers that generated groundbreaking or controversial results. [Applications] Prerequisites: knowledge of the Unix operating system and programming expertise in a language such as Perl or Python.
TuTh 3-4:15 |
601.356 (E) |
COMPUTER INTEGRATED SURGERY SEMINAR (1) Taylor Lecture only version of 601.456 (no project). Prereq: 601.455 or perm req'd. Students may receive credit for 600.356 or 600.456, but not both. |
TuTh 1:30-2:45 |
601.402 (E) |
DIGITAL HEALTH AND BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS (1) Lehmann Advances in technology are driving a change in medicine, from personalized medicine to population health. Computers and information technology will be critical to this transition. We shall discuss some of the coming changes in terms of computer technology, including computer-based patient records, clinical practice guidelines, and region-wide health information exchanges. We will discuss the underlying technologies driving these developments - databases and warehouses, controlled vocabularies, and decision support. Prerequisite: none. Short course meets 5 weeks: Jan 25 - Feb 24 |
TuTh 4:30-5:45 (was MW) |
601.411 (E) |
CS INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP II (3) Dahbura & Aronhime This course is the second half of a two-course sequence and is a continuation of course 660.410.01, CS Innovation and Entrepreneurship, offered by the Center for Leadership Education (CLE). In this sequel course the student groups, directed by CS faculty, will implement the business idea which was developed in the first course and will present the implementations and business plans to an outside panel made up of practitioners, industry representatives, and venture capitalists. [Oral] Prerequisite: 660.410. |
MW 1:30-2:45 (was Th 4:30-7p) |
601.414 (E) |
COMPUTER NETWORKS (3) Ghorbani Topics covered will include application layer protocols (e.g. HTTP, FTP, SMTP), transport layer protocols (UDP, TCP), network layer protocols (e.g. IP, ICMP), link layer protocols (e.g. Ethernet) and wireless protocols (e.g. IEEE 802.11). The course will also cover routing protocols such as link state and distance vector, multicast routing, and path vector protocols (e.g. BGP). The class will examine security issues such as firewalls and denial of service attacks. We will also study DNS, NAT, Web caching and CDNs, peer to peer, and protocol tunneling. Finally, we will explore security protocols (e.g. TLS, SSH, IPsec), as well as some basic cryptography necessary to understand these. Grading will be based on hands-on programming assignments, homeworks and two exams. [Systems] Prerequisites: EN.601.220 and EN.601.229 or permission. Students can only receive credit for one of 601.414/614. |
TuTh 3-4:15 |
601.421 (E) |
OBJECT ORIENTED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (3) Madooei This course covers object-oriented software construction methodologies and their application. The main component of the course is a large team project on a topic of your choosing. Course topics covered include object-oriented analysis and design, UML, design patterns, refactoring, program testing, code repositories, team programming, and code reviews. [(Systems or Applications), Oral] Prereq: 600/601.226 & 600.120/601.220. Strongly recommended: EN.601.280 or EN.601.290 (will be requirement in future semesters). Students may receive credit for only one of 601.421/621. |
TuTh 12-1:15 |
601.422 (E) |
SOFTWARE TESTING & DEBUGGING (3) Darvish Studies show that testing can account for over 50% of software development costs. This course presents a comprehensive study of software testing, principles, methodologies, tools, and techniques. Topics include testing principles, coverage (graph coverage, logic coverage, input space partitioning, and syntax-based coverage), unit testing, higher-order testing (integration, system-level, acceptance), testing approaches (white-box, black-box, grey-box), regression testing, debugging, delta debugging, and several specific types of functional and non-functional testing as schedule/interest permits (GUI testing, usability testing, security testing, load/performance testing, A/B testing etc.). For practical topics, state- of-the-art tools/techniques will be studied and utilized. [Systems] Pre-req: EN.601.290 or EN.601.421. Students may receive credit for 601.422 or 601.622, but not both. |
TuTh 1:30-2:45 |
601.424 (E) |
RELIABLE SOFTWARE SYSTEMS (3) R. Huang Reliability is an essential quality requirement for all artifacts operating in the real-world, ranging from bridges, cars to power grids. Software systems are no exception. In this computing age when software is transforming even traditional mission-critical artifacts, making sure the software we write is reliable becomes ever more important. This course exposes students to the principles and techniques in building reliable systems. We will study a set of systematic approaches to make software more robust. These include but are not limited to static analysis, testing framework, model checking, symbolic execution, fuzzing, and formal verification. In addition, we will cover the latest research in system reliability. [Systems or Analysis]
Pre-req: 601.220 and 601.328/428. Students may receive credit for 601.424 or 601.624, but not both. |
TuTh 1:30-2:45 |
601.426 (EQ) |
PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES (3) Smith Functional, object-oriented, and other language features are studied independent of a particular programming language. Students become familiar with these features by implementing them. Most of the implementations are in the form of small language interpreters. Some type checkers and a small compiler will also be written. The total amount of code written will not be overly large, as the emphasis is on concepts. The ML programming language is the implementation language used. [Analysis] Required course background: 601.226. Freshmen and sophomores by permission only. |
MW 1:30-2:45 |
601.433 (EQ) |
This course concentrates on the design of algorithms and the rigorous analysis of their efficiency. topics include the basic definitions of algorithmic complexity (worst case, average case); basic tools such as dynamic programming, sorting, searching, and selection; advanced data structures and their applications (such as union-find); graph algorithms and searching techniques such as minimum spanning trees, depth-first search, shortest paths, design of online algorithms and competitive analysis. [Analysis] Prereq: 601.226 and (553.171/172 or 601.231) or Perm. Req'd. Students may receive credit for only one of 601.433/633. |
TuTh 12-1:15 |
601.435 (EQ) |
APPROXIMATION ALGORITHMS (3) Dinitz This course provides an introduction to approximation algorithms. Topics include vertex cover, TSP, Steiner trees, cuts, greedy approach, linear and semi-definite programming, primal-dual method, and randomization. Additional topics will be covered as time permits. There will be a final project. [Analysis] Prereq: 601.433/633 or permission. Students may receive credit for only one of 601.435/635. |
TuTh 9-10:15 |
601.441 (E)
BLOCKCHAINS AND CRYPTOCURRENCIES Jain This course will introduce students to cryptocurrencies and the main underlying technology of Blockchains. The course will start with the relevant background in cryptography and then proceed to cover the recent advances in the design and applications of blockchains. This course should primarily appeal to students who want to conduct research in this area or wish to build new applications on top of blockchains. It should also appeal to those who have a casual interest in this topic or are generally interested in cryptography. Students are expected to have mathematical maturity. [Analysis] Students may receive credit for only one of 600.451, 601.441, 601.641. Prereq: 601.226 and (EN.553.310 or EN.553.410 probability). |
MW 1:30-2:45 |
601.446 (E) |
SKETCHING & INDEXING FOR SEQUENCES (3) Langmead Many of the world's largest and fastest-growing datasets are text, e.g. DNA sequencing data, web pages, logs and social media posts. Such datasets are useful only to the degree we can query, compare and analyze them. Here we discuss two powerful approaches in this area. We will cover sketching, which enables us to summarize very large texts in small structures that allow us to measure the sizes of sets and of their unions and intersections. This in turn allows us to measure similarity and find near neighbors. Second, we will discuss indexing --- succinct and compressed indexes in particular -- which enables us to efficiently search inside very long strings, especially in highly repetitive texts. [Analysis] Pre-req: 600/601.226. Students may receive credit for 601.446 or 601.646, but not both. |
TuTh 9-10:15 |
601.454 (E) CSCI-APPL |
Same as 601.654, for undergraduate students.
[Applications] Students may receive credit for only one of 601.454/654. Prerequisites: EN.601.220, EN.601.226, linear algebra. |
TuTh 9-10:15 |
601.456 (E) |
COMPUTER INTEGRATED SURGERY II (3) Taylor This weekly lecture/seminar course addresses similar material to 600.455, but covers selected topics in greater depth. In addition to material covered in lectures/seminars by the instructor and other faculty, students are expected to read and provide critical analysis/presentations of selected papers in recitation sessions. Students taking this course are required to undertake and report on a significant term project under the supervision of the instructor and clinical end users. Typically, this project is an extension of the term project from 600.455, although it does not have to be. Grades are based both on the project and on classroom recitations. Students who wish to use this course to satisfy the "Team" requirement should register for EN.601.496 instead. Students wishing to attend the weekly lectures as a 1-credit seminar should sign up for 601.356. [Applications, Oral]
Prereq: 601.455/655 or perm req'd. Students may receive credit for only one of
601.456, 601.496, 601.656. |
TuTh 1:30-2:45 |
601.496 (E) |
COMPUTER INTEGRATED SURGERY II - TEAMS (3) Taylor This weekly lecture/seminar course addresses similar material to 600.455, but covers selected topics in greater depth. In addition to material covered in lectures/seminars by the instructor and other faculty, students are expected to read and provide critical analysis/presentations of selected papers in recitation sessions. Students taking this course are required to undertake and report on a significant term project in teams of at least 3 students, under the supervision of the instructor and clinical end users. Typically, this project is an extension of the term project from 600.455, although it does not have to be. Grades are based both on the project and on classroom recitations. Students who prefer to do individual projects must register for EN.601.456 instead. [Applications, Oral]
Prereq: 601.455/655 or perm req'd. Students may receive credit for
only one of 601.456, 601.496, 601.656. |
TuTh 1:30-2:45 |
601.463 (E) |
ALGORITHMS FOR SENSOR-BASED ROBOTICS (3) Leonard This course surveys the development of robotic systems for navigating in an environment from an algorithmic perspective. It will cover basic kinematics, configuration space concepts, motion planning, and localization and mapping. It will describe these concepts in the context of the ROS software system, and will present examples relevant to mobile platforms, manipulation, robotics surgery, and human-machine systems. [Analysis] Prereq: 601.226, linear algebra, calculus, probability. Students may receive credit for only one of 601.463/663. |
TuTh 12-1:15 |
601.464 (E) |
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (3) Haque The course situates the study of Artificial Intelligence (AI) first in the broader context of Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Psychology and then treats in-depth methods for automated reasoning, automatic problem solvers and planners, knowledge representation mechanisms, game playing, machine learning, and statistical pattern recognition. The class is a recommended for all scientists and engineers with a genuine curiosity about the fundamental obstacles to getting machines to perform tasks such as deduction, learning, and planning and navigation. Strong programming skills and a good grasp of the English language are expected; students will be asked to complete both programming assignments and writing assignments. The course will include a brief introduction to scientific writing and experimental design, including assignments to apply these concepts. [Applications] Prereq: 601.226; Recommended: linear algebra, prob/stat. Students can only receive credit for one of 601.464/664 |
TuTh 10:30-11:45a |
601.466 (E) |
INFORMATION RETRIEVAL & WEB AGENTS (3) Yarowsky An in-depth, hands-on study of current information retrieval techniques and their application to developing intelligent WWW agents. Topics include a comprehensive study of current document retrieval models, mail/news routing and filtering, document clustering, automatic indexing, query expansion, relevance feedback, user modeling, information visualization and usage pattern analysis. In addition, the course explores the range of additional language processing steps useful for template filling and information extraction from retrieved documents, focusing on recent, primarily statistical methods. The course concludes with a study of current issues in information retrieval and data mining on the World Wide Web. Topics include web robots, spiders, agents and search engines, exploring both their practical implementation and the economic and legal issues surrounding their use. [Applications] Required course background: 601.226. |
TuTh 3-4:15 |
601.475 (E) |
Machine learning is subfield of computer science and artificial
intelligence, whose goal is to develop computational systems,
methods, and algorithms that can learn from data to improve their
performance. This course introduces the foundational concepts of
modern Machine Learning, including core principles, popular
algorithms and modeling platforms. This will include both supervised
learning, which includes popular algorithms like SVMs, logistic
regression, boosting and deep learning, as well as unsupervised
learning frameworks, which include Expectation Maximization and
graphical models. Homework assignments include a heavy programming
components, requiring students to implement several machine learning
algorithms in a common learning framework. Additionally, analytical
homework questions will explore various machine learning concepts,
building on the pre-requisites that include probability, linear
algebra, multi-variate calculus and basic optimization. Students in
the course will develop a learning system for a final project.
[Applications or Analysis] Students may receive credit for only one
of 601.475/675. Required course background: multivariable calculus, probability, linear algebra. |
TuTh 9-10:15a |
601.476 (EQ) |
MACHINE LEARNING: DATA TO MODELS (3) Bhattacharya How can robots localize themselves in an environment when navigating? Which factors predict whether patients are at greatest-risk for complications in the hospital? Can we reconstruct the brain's "connectome" from fMRI data? Many such big data questions can be answered using the paradigm of probabilistic models in machine learning. This is a second course on machine learning which focuses on probabilistic graphical models. You will learn about directed and undirected graphical models, inference methods, sampling, structure learning algorithms, latent variables, and temporal models. There will be regular assignments, which include theory and some programming. Students will analyze real data for their final project, applying methods discussed in class and writing up a report of their results. [Analysis or Applications] Students may receive credit for 600.476 or 600.676, but not both. Pre-reqs: EN.600/601.475/675 or equivalent. |
MW 3-4:15 |
601.482 (E) |
Deep learning (DL) has emerged as a powerful tool for solving
data-intensive learning problems such as supervised learning for
classification or regression, dimensionality reduction, and control. As
such, it has a broad range of applications including speech and text
understanding, computer vision, medical imaging, and perception-based
robotics. Pre-req: EN.601.226 and (AS.110.201 or AS.110.212 or EN.553.291) and (EN.553.310 EN.553.311 or EN.553.420 or EN.560.348); numerical optimization and Python recommended. |
M 12-1:15p |
EN.580.488 (E) |
FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS II Karchin [BME cross-list, counts as CS upper level credit.] This course will introduce probabilistic modeling and information theory applied to biological sequence analysis, focusing on statistical models of protein families, alignment algorithms, and models of evolution. topics will include probability theory, score matrices, hidden Markov models, maximum likelihood, expectation maximization and dynamic programming algorithms. Homework assignments will require programming in Python. Foundations of Computational Biology I is not a prereq. [Analysis] Required course background: math through linear algebra and differential equations, at least one statistics and probability course, 580.221 or equiv., 601.226 or equiv. |
MW 4:30-5:45 |
601.491 (E) |
HUMAN-ROBOT INTERACTION (3) C. Huang This course is designed to introduce advanced students to research methods and topics in human-robot interaction (HRI), an emerging research area focusing on the design and evaluation of interactions between humans and robotic technologies. Students will (1) learn design principles for building and research methods of evaluating interactive robot systems through lectures, readings, and assignments, (2) read and discuss relevant literature to gain sufficient knowledge of various research topics in HRI, and (3) work on a substantial project that integrates the principles, methods, and knowledge learned in this course. [Applications] Pre-requisite: EN.601.220 and EN.601.226. |
TuTh 3-4:15 |
601.501 |
COMPUTER SCIENCE WORKSHOP An independent applications-oriented, computer science project done under the supervision and with the sponsorship of a faculty member in the Department of Computer Science. Computer Science Workshop provides a student with an opportunity to apply theory and concepts of computer science to a significant project of mutual interest to the student and a Computer Science faculty member. Permission to enroll in CSW is granted by the faculty sponsor after his/her approval of a project proposal from the student. Interested students are advised to consult with Computer Science faculty members before preparing a Computer Science Workshop project proposal. Permission of faculty sponsor is required. |
See below for faculty section numbers. |
601.503 |
UNDERGRADUATE INDEPENDENT STUDY Individual guided study for undergraduates, under the direction of a faculty member in the department. The program of study, including the credit to be assigned, must be worked out in advance between the student and the faculty member involved. Permission of faculty sponsor is required.
See below for faculty section numbers. |
601.507 |
UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Independent research for undergraduates under the direction of a faculty member in the department. The program of research, including the credit to be assigned, must be worked out in advance between the student and the faculty member involved. Permission required. |
See below for faculty section numbers and whether to select 508 or 518. |
601.509 |
COMPUTER SCIENCE INTERNSHIP Individual work in the field with a learning component, supervised by a faculty member in the department. The program of study must be worked out in advance between the student and the faculty member involved. Students may not receive credit for work that they are paid to do. As a rule of thumb, 40 hours of work is equivalent to one credit, which is the limit per semester. Permission of faculty sponsor is required. |
See below for faculty section numbers. |
601.517 |
GROUP UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Independent research for undergraduates under the direction of a faculty member in the department. This course has a weekly research group meeting that students are expected to attend. The program of research, including the credit to be assigned, must be worked out in advance between the student and the faculty member involved. Permission required. |
Only for faculty specifically marked below. |
601.520 |
SENIOR HONORS THESIS (3) For computer science majors only, a continuation of 601.519. Prerequisite: 601.519 |
See below for faculty section numbers. |
601.611 |
CS INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP II Dahbura & Aronhime Graduate level version of EN.601.411 (see for description) Prerequisites: 660.410. |
MW 1:30-2:45 (was Th 4:30-7p) |
601.614 |
COMPUTER NETWORKS Ghorbani Same as 601.414, for graduate students. [Systems] Required course background: EN.601.220 and EN.601.229 or permission. Students can only receive credit for one of 601.414/614. |
TuTh 3-4:15 |
601.621 |
OBJECT ORIENTED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Madooei This course covers object-oriented software construction methodologies and their application. The main component of the course is a large team project on a topic of your choosing. Course topics covered include object-oriented analysis and design, UML, design patterns, refactoring, program testing, code repositories, team programming, and code reviews. [Systems or Applications] Required course background: intermediate programming, data structures, and experience in mobile or web app development. Students may receive credit for only one of 601.421/621. |
Sec 01: TuTh 12-1:15 (CS grad students only) |
601.622 |
SOFTWARE TESTING & DEBUGGING (3) Darvish Studies show that testing can account for over 50% of software development costs. This course presents a comprehensive study of software testing, principles, methodologies, tools, and techniques. Topics include testing principles, coverage (graph coverage, logic coverage, input space partitioning, and syntax-based coverage), unit testing, higher-order testing (integration, system-level, acceptance), testing approaches (white-box, black-box, grey-box), regression testing, debugging, delta debugging, and several specific types of functional and non-functional testing as schedule/interest permits (GUI testing, usability testing, security testing, load/performance testing, A/B testing etc.). For practical topics, state- of-the-art tools/techniques will be studied and utilized. [Systems] Pre-req: EN.601.290 or EN.601.421 or EN.601.621. Students may receive credit for 601.422 or 601.622, but not both. |
TuTh 1:30-2:45 |
601.624 |
RELIABLE SOFTWARE SYSTEMS (3) R. Huang Reliability is an essential quality requirement for all artifacts operating in the real-world, ranging from bridges, cars to power grids. Software systems are no exception. In this computing age when software is transforming even traditional mission-critical artifacts, making sure the software we write is reliable becomes ever more important. This course exposes students to the principles and techniques in building reliable systems. We will study a set of systematic approaches to make software more robust. These include but are not limited to static analysis, testing framework, model checking, symbolic execution, fuzzing, and formal verification. In addition, we will cover the latest research in system reliability. [Systems or Analysis]
Recommended course background: 601.220 and 601.328/428. Students may receive credit for 601.424 or 601.624, but not both. |
TuTh 1:30-2:45 |
601.626 |
PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES (3) Smith Same as 601.426, for graduate stuents. Students may receive credit for only one of 601.426/626. [Analysis] Required course background: 601.226. |
MW 1:30-2:45 |
601.633 |
Same as 601.433, for graduate students. [Analysis] Prereq: 601.226 and 553.171/172 or Perm. Required. Students may receive credit for only one of 601.433/633. |
TuTh 12-1:15 |
601.635 |
APPROXIMATION ALGORITHMS Dinitz Same as 601.435, for graduate students. [Analysis] Required course background: 601.433/633 or permission. Students may receive credit for only one of 601.435/635. |
TuTh 9-10:15 |
601.641 |
BLOCKCHAINS AND CRYPTOCURRENCIES Jain [Cross-listed in JHUISI.] Same as EN.601.441, for graduate students. [Analysis] Students may receive credit for only one of 600.451, 601.441, 601.641. Required course background: 601.226 and probability (any course). |
MW 1:30-2:45 |
601.646 |
SKETCHING & INDEXING FOR SEQUENCES (3) Langmead Many of the world's largest and fastest-growing datasets are text, e.g. DNA sequencing data, web pages, logs and social media posts. Such datasets are useful only to the degree we can query, compare and analyze them. Here we discuss two powerful approaches in this area. We will cover sketching, which enables us to summarize very large texts in small structures that allow us to measure the sizes of sets and of their unions and intersections. This in turn allows us to measure similarity and find near neighbors. Second, we will discuss indexing --- succinct and compressed indexes in particular -- which enables us to efficiently search inside very long strings, especially in highly repetitive texts. [Analysis] Pre-req: Data Structures. Students may receive credit for 601.446 or 601.646, but not both. |
TuTh 9-10:15 |
601.654 |
This course introduces students to the field of Augmented
Reality. It reviews its basic definitions, principles and
applications. It then focuses on Medical Augmented Reality and its
particular requirements. The course also discusses the main issues of
calibration, tracking, multi-modal registration, advance visualization
and display technologies. Homework in this course will relate to the
mathematical methods used for calibration, tracking and visualization
in medical augmented reality. Students may also be asked to read
papers and implement various techniques within group
projects. [Applications] Students may receive credit for 600.484 or 600.684, but
not both. Required course background: intermediate programming (C/C++), data structures, linear algebra. |
TuTh 9-10:15 |
601.656 |
COMPUTER INTEGRATED SURGERY II Taylor Same as 601.456, for graduate students. [Applications] Prereq: 601.455/655 or perm req'd. Students may receive credit for only one of 601.456/656. |
TuTh 1:30-2:45 |
601.663 |
ALGORITHMS FOR SENSOR-BASED ROBOTICS Leonard Same as 601.463, for graduate students. [Analysis] Required course background: 601.226, linear algebra, calculus, probability. Students may receive credit for only one of 601.463/663. |
TuTh 12-1:15 |
601.666 |
INFORMATION RETRIEVAL & WEB AGENTS (3) Yarowsky Same material as 601.466, for graduate students. [Applications] Students may receive credit for at most one of 601.466/666. Required course background: 601.226. |
TuTh 3-4:15p |
601.675 |
Same as 601.475, for graduate students.
[Applications or Analysis] Students may receive credit for only one
of 601.475/675. Required course background: multivariable calculus, probability, linear algebra. |
TuTh 9-10:15a |
601.676 |
MACHINE LEARNING: DATA TO MODELS Bhattacharya Same as 601.476, for graduate students. [Analysis or Applications] Students may receive credit for only one of 601.476/676. Pre-reqs: EN.600/601.475/675 or equivalent. |
MW 3-4:15 |
601.682 |
Same as 601.482, for graduate students. [Applications]
Required course background: data structures, probability and linear algebra; numerical optimization and Python recommended. |
M 12-1:15p |
580.688 |
FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS II Karchin [Cross-listed from BME - CS students can count as a CS course.] This course will introduce probabilistic modeling and information theory applied to biological sequence analysis, focusing on statistical models of protein families, alignment algorithms, and models of evolution. topics will include probability theory, score matrices, hidden Markov models, maximum likelihood, expectation maximization and dynamic programming algorithms. Homework assignments will require programming in Python. Foundations of Computational Biology I is not a prereq. [Analysis] Required course background: math through linear algebra and differential equations, at least one statistics and probability course, 580.221 or equiv., 601.226 or equiv. |
MW 4:30-5:45 |
601.691 |
HUMAN-ROBOT INTERACTION C. Huang This course is designed to introduce graduate students to research methods and topics in human-robot interaction (HRI), an emerging research area focusing on the design and evaluation of interactions between humans and robotic technologies. Students will (1) learn design principles for building and research methods of evaluating interactive robot systems through lectures, readings, and assignments, (2) read and discuss relevant literature to gain sufficient knowledge of various research topics in HRI, and (3) work on a substantial project that integrates the principles, methods, and knowledge learned in this course. [Applications] Required course background: EN.601.220 and EN.601.226. |
TuTh 3-4:15 |
601.714 |
This is a graduate-level course on computer networks. It provides
a comprehensive overview on advanced topics in network protocols
and networked systems. The course will cover both classic papers
on Internet protocols and recent research results. It will examine
a wide range of topics, e.g., routing, congestion control, network
architectures, datacenter networks, network virtualization,
software-defined networking, and programmable networks, with an
emphasize on core networking concepts and principles. The course
will include lectures, paper discussions, programming assignments
and a research project. [Systems] Pre-req: EN.601.414/614 or equivalent. |
canceled (was TuTh 1:30-2:45) |
601.740 NEW COURSE! |
LANGUAGE-BASED SECURITY Cao This course will introduce Language-based Security, an emerging field in cyber security that leverages techniques from compilers and program analysis for security-related problems. Topics include but are not limited to: Control-flow and data-flow graphs, Program slicing, Code property graph (CPG), and Control-flow integrity. Students are expected to read new and classic papers in this area and discuss them in class. [Systems] Recommended Course Background: coursework in operating systems and preferably compilers. |
TuTh 12:00-1:15 |
601.741 NEW COURSE! |
ADVANCED TOPICS IN SECURE AND CENSORSHIP-RESISTANT COMMUNICATIONS Green Topics will vary from year to year, but will focus on applied cryptography and communications, focused on the development of secure and uncensorable communication mechanisms for communities at risk. This course will include topics such as: communication protocol design and analysis, blockchain-based protocols, anonymous communication, cryptographic backdoors, and other topics. Emphasis in this course is on understanding how cryptographic issues impact real systems, while maintaining an appreciation for grounding the work in fundamental science. The course will consist of in-class workshops and interactive discussions. There will be programming assignments and a course project with real world impact. Students will also be expected to read assigned papers and to present at least one research paper and lead a discussion on it. [Systems] Prerequisites: EN.601.441/641 or EN.601.442/642 or EN.601.445/645 or permission of instructor. |
MW 12-1:15 |
601.743 |
ADVANCED TOPICS IN COMPUTER SECURITY Rubin [Cross-listed in ISI] Topics will vary from year to year, but will focus mainly on network perimeter protection, host-level protection, authentication technologies, intellectual property protection, formal analysis techniques, intrusion detection and similarly advanced subjects. Emphasis in this course is on understanding how security issues impact real systems, while maintaining an appreciation for grounding the work in fundamental science. Students will study and present various advanced research papers to the class. There will be homework assignments and a course project. [Systems or Applications] Prereq: college level security or crypto course; or permission of instructor. |
Mon 1:30-4:00 |
580.743 |
ADV TOPICS IN GENOME DATA ANALYSIS Battle [Formerly 600.641/601.751] Genomic data is becoming available in large quantities, but understanding how genetics contributes to human disease and other traits remains a major challenge. Machine learning and statistical approaches allow us to automatically analyze and combine genomic data, build predictive models, and identify genetic elements important to disease and cellular processes. This course will cover current uses of statistical methods and machine learning in diverse genomic applications including new genomic technologies. Students will present and discuss current literature. Topics include personal genomics, integrating diverse genomic data types, new technologies such as single cell sequencing and CRISPR, and other topics guided by student interest. The course will include a project component with the opportunity to explore publicly available genomic data. Recommended Course Background: coursework in data science or machine learning. |
?? |
601.749 |
COMPUTATIONAL GENOMICS: APPLIED COMPARATIVE GENOMICS (3) Schatz The goal of this course is to study the leading computational and quantitative approaches for comparing and analyzing genomes starting from raw sequencing data. The course will focus on human genomics and human medical applications, but the techniques will be broadly applicable across the tree of life. The topics will include genome assembly & comparative genomics, variant identification & analysis, gene expression & regulation, personal genome analysis, and cancer genomics. The grading will be based on assignments, a midterm & final exam, class presentations, and a significant class project. [Applications] Prereq: familiarity with UNIX scripting and/or programming. |
MW 1:30-2:45 |
601.769 (600.625) |
EVENT SEMANTICS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE VanDurme & Rawlins This course explores selected topics in the nature of event representations from the perspective of cognitive science, computer science, linguistics, and philosophy. These fields have developed a rich array of scientific theories about the representation of events, and how humans make inferences about them -- we investigate how (and if) such theories could be applied to current research topics and tasks in computational semantics such as inference from text, automated summarization, veridicality assessment, and so on. In addition to classic articles dealing with formal semantic theories, the course considers available machine-readable corpora, ontologies, and related resources that bear on event structure, such as WordNet, PropBank, FrameNet, etc.. The course is aimed to marry theory with practice: students with either a computational or linguistic background are encouraged to participate. [Applications] |
TuTh 1:30-2:45 |
601.783 |
VISION AS BAYESIAN INFERENCE (3) Yuille This is an advanced course on computer vision from a probabilistic and machine learning perspective. It covers techniques such as linear and non-linear filtering, geometry, energy function methods, markov random fields, conditional random fields, graphical models, probabilistic grammars, and deep neural networks. These are illustrated on a set of vision problems ranging from image segmentation, semantic segmentation, depth estimation, object recognition, object parsing, scene parsing, action recognition, and text captioning. [Analysis or Applications] Required course background: calculus, linear algebra (AS.110.201 or equiv.), probability and statistics (AS.550.311 or equiv.), and the ability to program in Python and C++. Background in computer vision (EN.601.461/661) and machine learning (EN.601.475/675) suggested but not required. |
TuTh 9-10:15 |
601.801 |
Required for all CS PhD students. Strongly recommended for MSE students. |
TuTh 10:30-12 |
601.803 |
MASTERS RESEARCH Independent research for masters or pre-dissertation PhD students. Permission required. |
See below for faculty section numbers. |
601.805 |
See below for faculty section numbers. |
601.807 |
TEACHING PRACTICUM Selinski PhD students will gain valuable teaching experience, working closely with their assigned faculty supervisor. Successful completion of this course fulfills the PhD teaching requirement. Permission required. |
limit 25 |
601.809 |
See below for faculty section numbers. |
601.810 NEW COURSE! |
DIVERSITY & INCLUSION IN COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Kazhdan This reading seminar will focus on the question of diversity and inclusion in computer science (in particular) and engineering (in general). We aim to study the ways in which the curriculum, environment, and structure of computer science within academia perpetuates biases alienating female and minoritized students, and to explore possible approaches for diversifying our field. The seminar will meet on a weekly basis, readings will be assigned, and students will be expected to participate in the discussion. |
limit 8 |
601.817 |
SELECTED TOPICS IN SYSTEMS RESEARCH R.Huang This course covers latest advances in the research of computer systems including operating systems, distributed system, mobile and cloud computing. Students will read and discuss recent research papers in top systems conferences. Each week, one student will present the paper and lead the discussion for the week. The focus topics covered in the papers vary semester to semester. Example topics include fault-tolerance, reliability, verification, energy efficiency, and virtualization. |
Fr 1-2:15 |
601.819 |
SELECTED TOPICS IN CLOUD COMPUTING AND NETWORKED SYSTEMS Ghorbani Participants will read and discuss seminal and recent foundational research on cloud and networked systems. |
Fr 4-5p |
601.826 |
SELECTED TOPICS IN PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Smith This seminar course covers recent developments in the foundations of programming language design and implementation. topics covered include type theory, process algebra, higher-order program analysis, and constraint systems. Students will be expected to present papers orally. |
Fri 11-12 |
601.831 |
CS THEORY SEMINAR [Braverman,] Dinitz, Li Seminar series in theoretical computer science. Topics include algorithms, complexity theory, and related areas of TCS. Speakers will be a mix of internal and external researchers, mostly presenting recently published research papers. |
W 12 |
601.833 |
SEMINAR IN ALGORITHMS Braverman This course will explore algorithms and theoretical computer science with a focus on algorithms for massive data. Examples of topics include streaming algorithms, approximation algorithms, online algorithms. Students will be encouraged to select a paper and lead a discussion. External speakers will be invited to present current work as well. This course is a good opportunity for motivated students to learn modern algorithmic methods. Prereq: 600.463 or equivalent. |
Th 1:30-2:30 |
601.856 |
SEMINAR: MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS Taylor & Prince [Co-listed as 520.746] This weekly seminar will focus on research issues in medical image analysis, including image segmentation, registration, statistical modeling, and applications. It will also include selected topics relating to medical image acquisition, especially where they relate to analysis. The purpose of the course is to provide the participants with a thorough background in current research in these areas, as well as to promote greater awareness and interaction between multiple research groups within the University. The format of the course is informal. Students will read selected papers. All students will be assumed to have read these papers by the time the paper is scheduled for discussion. But individual students will be assigned on a rotating basis to lead the discussion on particular papers or sections of papers. Co-listed with 520.746. |
Tu 3-4:50 |
601.857 | SELECTED TOPICS IN COMPUTER GRAPHICS Kazhdan In this course we will review current research in computer graphics. We will meet for an hour once a week and one of the participants will lead the discussion for the week. |
Tu 3-4:15 |
601.865 |
SELECTED TOPICS IN NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING Eisner A reading group exploring important current research in the field and potentially relevant material from related fields. Enrolled students are expected to present papers and lead discussion. Required course background: 600.465 or permission of instructor. |
Wed 12-1:15 |
601.866 |
SELECTED TOPICS IN COMPUTATIONAL SEMANTICS VanDurme A seminar focussed on current research and survey articles on computational semantics. |
Fr 10-10:50 |
601.868 |
SELECTED TOPICS IN MACHINE TRANSLATION Koehn Students in this course will review, present, and discuss current research in machine translation. Prereq: permission of instructor. |
M 11-12 |
500.745 |
SEMINAR IN COMPUTATIONAL SENSING AND ROBOTICS Kazanzides, Cowan, Whitcomb, Vidal, Etienne-Cummings Seminar series in robotics. Topics include: Medical robotics, including computer-integrated surgical systems and image-guided intervention. Sensor based robotics, including computer vision and biomedical image analysis. Algorithmic robotics, robot control and machine learning. Autonomous robotics for monitoring, exploration and manipulation with applications in home, environmental (land, sea, space), and defense areas. Biorobotics and neuromechanics, including devices, algorithms and approaches to robotics inspired by principles in biomechanics and neuroscience. Human-machine systems, including haptic and visual feedback, human perception, cognition and decision making, and human-machine collaborative systems. Cross-listed with Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering. |
Wed 12-1:30 |
520.702 |
CURRENT TOPICS IN LANGUAGE AND SPEECH PROCESSING Trmal CLSP seminar series, for any students interested in current topics in language and speech processing. |
Mon & Fri 12-1:15 |
01 - Xin Li 02 - Rao Kosaraju (emeritus) 03 - Soudeh Ghorbani 04 - Russ Taylor (ugrad research use 517, not 507) 05 - Scott Smith 06 - Joanne Selinski 07 - Harold Lehmann [SPH] 08 - Ali Madooei 09 - Greg Hager (ugrad research use 517, not 507) 10 - Gregory Chirikjian [MechE] 11 - Sanjeev Khudhanpur [ECE] 12 - Yair Amir 13 - David Yarowsky 14 - Noah Cowan 15 - Randal Burns 16 - Jason Eisner (ugrad research use 517, not 507) 17 - Mark Dredze 18 - Michael Dinitz 19 - Rachel Karchin [BME] 20 - Michael Schatz 21 - Avi Rubin 22 - Matt Green 23 - Yinzhi Cao 24 - Raman Arora (ugrad research use 517, not 507) 25 - Rai Winslow [BME] 26 - Misha Kazhdan 27 - Chris Callison-Burch 28 - Ali Darvish 29 - Alex Szalay [Physics] 30 - Peter Kazanzides 31 - Jerry Prince [BME] 32 - Carey Priebe [AMS] 33 - Nassir Navab 34 - Rene Vidal [BME] 35 - Alexis Battle (ugrad research use 517, not 507) [BME] 36 - Emad Boctor (ugrad research use 517, not 507) [SOM] 37 - Mathias Unberath 38 - Ben VanDurme 39 - Jeff Siewerdsen 40 - Vladimir Braverman 41 - Suchi Saria 42 - Ben Langmead 43 - Steven Salzberg 44 - Jean Fan [BME] 45 - Liliana Florea [SOM] 46 - Casey Overby Taylor [SPH] 47 - Philipp Koehn 48 - Abhishek Jain 49 - Anton Dahbura (ugrad research use 517, not 507) 50 - Joshua Vogelstein [BME] 51 - Ilya Shpitser 52 - Austin Reiter 53 - Tamas Budavari [AMS] 54 - Alan Yuille 55 - Peng Ryan Huang 56 - Xin Jin 57 - Chien-Ming Huang 58 - Will Gray Roncal (ugrad research use 517, not 507) 59 - Kevin Duh [CLSP] 60 - Mihaela Pertea 61 - Archana Venkataraman [ECE] 62 - Matt Post [CLSP] 63 - Vishal Patel [ECE] 64 - Rama Chellappa [ECE] 65 - Mehran Armand [MechE] 66 - Jeremias Sulam [BME]