The main goal of CCVL (Center for Cognition, Vision, and Learning) is to develop mathematical models of vision and cognition. These model are intended primarily for designing artificial (computer) vision systems. Practical applications include vision for the disabled.  These models also serve as computational models of biological vision which can be tested by behavioral, invasive, and non-invasive techniques. We also study  how humans and animals perform cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning. In addition, we also use machine learning for interpreting medical images and studying brain function.

CCVL uses advanced modeling techniques from a range of disciplines including Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering. The theories are implemented using Matlab, C++, and CUDA (GPUs).



CCVL gratefully acknowledges funding from the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, the Office of Naval Research, the Army Research Laboratories, the Air Force Office of Sponsored Research, and DARPA. We have also received funds from the W.M. Keck Foundation and from the Korean World Class University Program.