600.226: Data Structures (Spring 2017)

Assignment 8: Whispering Trees


The eighth assignment is all about ordered maps, specifically fast ordered maps in the form of balanced binary search trees. You’ll work with a little program called Words that reads text from standard input and uses an (ordered) map to count how often different words appear. We’re giving you a basic (unbalanced) binary search tree implementation of OrderedMap that you can use to play around with the Words program and as starter code for your own developments.

Your main goal for this assignment is to replace our BinarySearchTreeMap with your own AvlTreeMap and TreapMap classes that provide balanced binary search trees with either worst-case (AVL tree) or expected (treap) logarithmic time performance for all critical map operations. As in the previous assignment, you’ll do lots of experimental analysis aka benchmarking in this one. You’ll once again work with jaybee as well as with the new Words program. Think of the former as “unit benchmarking” the individual operations of a data structure, think of the latter as “system benchmarking” a complete (albeit small) application.

It is very important that you run your benchmarks under “identical” conditions to make them comparable! All your benchmarks should be run on the same (virtual) machine, using the same Java version, and with as little “load” (unrelated programs running, other users logged in, etc.) as possible. Also you should repeat your measurements at least a few times to rule out embarrassing outliers.

Please note that JUnit 4 test drivers are not mentioned explicitly below. Instead we simply say “…once you’re sure things work…” and what we mean by that is “…once your stuff passes your test cases…”. So yes, you should write JUnit 4 test drivers for all the code you write.

Problem 1: Warming Up (20%)

This time around you’ll have to write some code even for this first problem, but it’s still mostly about collecting important baseline data you’ll need for the following problems. We’ve provided an OrderedMap<K, V> implementation called BinarySearchTreeMap and a program called Words that uses it. The binary search tree implementation is (at least for the most part) exactly what we discussed in lecture, but you should still read the code to get a good handle on how it works. (The following two problems assume that you start with the code we provide here. So you better understand it.)

You will benchmark the BinarySearchTreeMap implementation in two different ways:

When writing your jaybee benchmark driver, pay close attention to the fact that the performance for sorted insertions will be a lot worse than the performance for random insertions! Make sure you pick sizes for your experiments that (a) clearly illustrate the difference in behavior but (b) can still be run comfortably (without having to wait several minutes at a time to get a result). The most interesting experiment is to see how a sequence of mixed random insertions and removals performs. It’s not what you’d expect at first.

For the xtime benchmarks you must run the Words program using the BinarySearchTreeMap implementation on a variety of data sets, measuring the average time and memory required. You should generate the data sets using the makedata.py script from the previous assignment. The UNIX sort command will be useful to generate sorted versions of your data sets, so you should read up on it. Make sure that follow these guidelines for your data sets:

You don’t have to cover a variety of repeated elements this time, so you can just use “0” as the third argument to makedata.py; of course it might still be interesting to see how repeated elements influence the performance (if at all).

Reflection: Put the data you collect for this problem in your README file and describe your observations. Include details about the data sets you generated and used, and why you chose those parameters. Also try to explain your observations using your understanding of the code you’re benchmarking. Why are the numbers as they are?

Optional (0%)

If you’re even more curious about where those benchmarks spend most of their time, you can also use the Java profiler to figure out where the “hot spots” in those programs are for a given input file. You can find examples for how to do this both in Peter’s lecture notes PDF and in Mike’s slides, however we’re not “pushing” the profiler this semester so this is strictly optional.

Use the timing profiler whenever possible because it will give you an accurate picture of what’s going on in the code; if that would take too long, use the sampling profiler to at least get a rough idea of what’s going on. You may want to create special test data (larger than 10000 lines but still small enough to use the timing profiler) as well. What you should be looking for is the cumulative percentage of time spent in our map operations.

Problem 2: Spinning AVL Trees (50%)

Your second task for this assignment is to develop an OrderedMap<K, V> implementation called AvlTreeMap that provides a balanced binary search tree by enforcing the AVL properties we discussed in lecture.

All critical map operations must run on O(log n) worst case time! Keep this in mind as you write your code, for example when you think about how to track the height of your subtrees. It’s not okay to use the obvious O(n) algorithm to compute heights, that would ruin the whole data structure!

Once you’re reasonably sure that you AvlTreeMap works as it should (be smart and write the JUnit test driver in a way that allows you to easily reuse it for Problem 3 below!), repeat the benchmarks you did for Problem 1 for your new implementation. The BinarySearchTreeBench.java benchmark driver you wrote for Problem 1 might be good enough already; in case it’s not, maybe because you now want to run bigger problems, change it into a new driver called BalancedBSTBench.java instead (be smart and write this one in a way that allows you to easily reuse it for Problem 3 below!). Don’t forget to run the Words benchmarks again, too!

Reflection: Put the data you collect for this problem in your README file and describe your observations, especially in comparison to the results you obtained in Problem 1. Also try to explain your observations using your understanding of the code you’re benchmarking. Why are the numbers as they are?

Problem 3: Creepy Treaps (30%)

Your final task for this assignment is to develop an OrderedMap<K, V> implementation called TreapMap that provides a probabilistically balanced binary search tree by enforcing the treap properties we discussed in lecture.

All critical map operations must run on O(log n) expected time! Keep this in mind as you write your code!

Once you’re reasonably sure that you TreapMap works as it should (if you were smart you can reuse the JUnit test driver from Problem 2), repeat the benchmarks you did for Problem 1 for your new implementation. Either use the BinarySearchTreeBench.java benchmark driver you wrote for Problem 1 or the BalancedBSTBench.java you wrote for Problem 2. Don’t forget to run the Words benchmarks again, too!

Reflection: Put the data you collect for this problem in your README file and describe your observations, especially in comparison to the results you obtained in Problem 1 and Problem 2. Also try to explain your observations using your understanding of the code you’re benchmarking. Why are the numbers as they are?

By the way…

Project Gutenberg is a good source for “natural language” test data if you would like to play with that. We’d suggest Einstein, Kafka, or Marx as simple test cases. Religious texts are more voluminous and thus provide more challenging test cases, for example The Bible or The Koran. If you’re not into religious texts, try Dewey or Goldman instead, lots ot learn. Feel free to test “natural language” on whatever you want, we’ll pick some of our grading test cases from Project Gutenberg as well.


You must turn in a zipped (.zip only) archive containing all source code, your README file, and any other deliverables required by the assignment. The filename should be HW##-jhed.zip with ## replaced by the 2-digit number (use leading 0s) of this assignment (see above) and jhed replaced by your Blackboard login. (For example, Peter would use HW03-pfroehl1.zip for his submission of Assignment 3.) The zip should contain no derived files whatsoever (i.e. no .class files, no .html files, etc.), but should allow building all derived files. Include a plain text README file (not README.txt or README.docx or whatnot) that briefly explains what your programs do and contains any other notes you want us to check out before grading. Your answers to written problems should be in this README file as well. Finally, make sure to include your name and email address in every file you turn in (well, in every file for which it makes sense to do so anyway)!


For reference, here is a short explanation of the grading criteria; some of the criteria don't apply to all problems, and not all of the criteria are used on all assignments.

Packaging refers to the proper organization of the stuff you hand in, following both the guidelines for Deliverables above as well as the general submission instructions for assignments.

Style refers to Java programming style, including things like consistent indentation, appropriate identifier names, useful comments, suitable javadoc documentation, etc. Many aspects of this are enforced automatically by Checkstyle when run with the configuration file available on Piazza. Style also includes proper modularization of your code (into interfaces, classes, methods, using public, protected, and private appropriately, etc.). Simple, clean, readable code is what you should be aiming for.

Testing refers to proper unit tests for all of the data structure classes you developed for this assignment, using the JUnit 4 framework as introduced in lecture. Make sure you test all (implied) axioms that you can think of and all exception conditions that are relevant.

Performance refers to how fast/with how little memory your program can produce the required results compared to other submissions.

Functionality refers to your programs being able to do what they should according to the specification given above; if the specification is ambiguous and you had to make a certain choice, defend that choice in your README file.

If your programs cannot be built you will get no points whatsoever. If your programs cannot be built without warnings using javac -Xlint:all we will take off 10% (except if you document a very good reason; no, you cannot use the @SuppressWarnings annotation either). If your programs fail miserably even once, i.e. terminate with an exception of any kind, we will take off 10% (however we'll also take those 10% off if you're trying to be "excessively smart" by wrapping your whole program into a universal try-catch).