The Astonishing Fuzzo's Fan Mail

The Astonishing Fuzzo's fan mail

E-mail from my mother, 5 December 1992:

What a lovely Hannukah present you've sent to one and all! Hannukah, you say (hand clasped over mouth)? Never mind. You're exempt. You sent that terrific series of photos! Dad showed them to me without comment, and I really had to study to be sure of what I was seeing. When were they taken? Now? and had you truly shaved or was this last year when you were acting? Or are you acting again? And if you are and have recently shaved, how were you applying that false beard with an eyebrow type pencil and getting it to look so fuzzy? Was it truly this year? THEN I EXAMINED YOUR HAIRLINE and confirmed. Yes, this year!

[Overjoyed at the reemergence of my youthful face, so baldly depicted in photo #1, she continued:]
You're beardless and look great - so much younger. But Dad had to ask me how you were reconstructing the beard before I realized it looked so convincing because it was your own locks! (One way to keep the sink drain clear!) How did you glue those bristles back on?

Tell me, [when you first got rid of the beard before gluing it back on] did you shave in the reverse order of the photos, i.e. little by little from full beard to progressive goatees to mustache? Dad did that, and Lenny, too, but over a period of time. Did you shave over time or all at once? I'm so glad you went all the way! Let go! Atta boy. And now that you're a boy again, or a young man or at least younger, not a 40ish don anymore, are the ladies flocking after you? What reactions are you getting? How do you like your new reflection? the shaving? Who was the photographer?

[At this point some additional cognitive mechanisms kicked in.]
Whoops! Your mom is truly dense! I really didn't get it! Do you want to disinherit me as your relative? It's sure lucky you inherited all your mental genes from Dad. (But be gentle teasing and tattling on me. I didn't HAVE TO confess. There's a fine delete function on this computer.)
Sorry, Mom. I kept quiet for over 3 years. Now it's the Interactive Age and we're supposed to share things like this.

Fellow NLP researcher Joshua Goodman turns out to have a similar artistic sensibility. As does Stephen Colbert.

Jason Eisner