PODC 2009 SPAA 2009 Main Accommodation Visas UofC Campus Calgary Near Calgary


About Calgary

Calgary is the largest city in the Canadian province Alberta. English is the main language in Calgary.

Public Transit: Calgary Transit

Weather: The average daily maximum temperature in August is 22.5 degrees (Celsius) and the average daily minimum is 8.6 degrees. Temperatures can sometimes get to 36+ degrees Celsius in the summer. For more climate information see this page.

Time: Calgary is in the Mountain Time Zone (the same as Edmonton or Denver).

Telephones: To call direct to international locations, dial 011 followed by the country code. (To dial within North America, just dial 1 followed by the area code.)

Money: The currency is the Canadian dollar (currency conversions). ATMs are available everywhere, and Mastercard, Visa and American Express credit cards are accepted in most shops and restaurants. It's customary to tip waiters (about 15%) and cab drivers. In shops and restaurants, advertised prices do not include the 5% goods and services tax (GST), which apply to most items (but not all).

About Canada: Canada is a constitutional monarchy; H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of Canada. The official languages are English and French. The country is divided into ten provinces and three territories. Quebec City, the oldest permanent European settlement in Canada is celebrating its 400th anniversary this year, although the Vikings briefly settled in Newfoundland around A.D. 1000. Canada became an independent Dominion on July 1, 1867, and underwent several territorial expansions between then and July 1, 1949 (when Newfoundland joined Confederation). This is the fifteenth time PODC is being held in Canada.

Things to Do in Calgary

The free weekly FFWD magazine includes extensive listings and reviews of events going on in town. Get it from various newspaper boxes on the streets.

Stephen Ave

8th Avenue downtown is called Stephen Avenue, it has many shops, restaurants and patios. Point C is the Calgary Tower.

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A few blocks up Centre St. from the Calgary Tower is Calgary's Chinatown.

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Prince's Island Park and Eau Claire Mall

Head west from Chinatown to reach Eau Claire Mall and Prince's Island Park. Prince's Island Park has running and walking paths, and usually hosts many public events during the summer.

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Calgary Zoo

The Calgary Zoo is directly accessible by C-Train, and can also be accessed by the Memorial Drive running/walking path.

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Kensington is a coffee shop neighborhood with many restaurants and shops.

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