

On Pronunciations in Wiktionary: Extraction and Experiments on Multilingual Syllabification and Stress Prediction
Winston Wu and David Yarowsky
BUCC 2021.

Sequence Models for Computational Etymology of Borrowings
Winston Wu, Kevin Duh, David Yarowsky
Findings of ACL 2021

Evaluating Neural Model Robustness for Machine Comprehension
Winston Wu, Dustin Arendt, and Svitlana Volkova
EACL 2021
pdf | slides


Neural Transduction for Multilingual Lexical Translation
Dylan Lewis, Winston Wu, Arya D. McCarthy, and David Yarowsky

Wiktionary Normalization of Translations and Morphological Information
Winston Wu and David Yarowsky
pdf | poster | code | data

The JHU Submission to the 2020 Duolingo Shared Task on Simultaneous Translation and Paraphrase for Language Education
Huda Khayrallah, Jacob Bremerman, Arya D. McCarthy, Kenton Murray, Winston Wu, and Matt Post
Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation 2020

JHUBC's Submission to LT4HALA EvaLatin 2020
Winston Wu and Garrett Nicolai
LT4HALA 2020

An Analysis of Massively Multilingual Neural Machine Translation for Low-Resource Languages
Aaron Mueller, Garrett Nicolai, Arya D. McCarthy, Dylan Lewis, Winston Wu, and David Yarowsky
LREC 2020

Computational Etymology and Word Emergence
Winston Wu and David Yarowsky
LREC 2020
pdf | code | data

Fine-grained Morphosyntactic Analysis and Generation Tools for More Than One Thousand Languages
Garrett Nicolai, Dylan Lewis, Arya D. McCarthy, Aaron Mueller, Winston Wu, and David Yarowsky
LREC 2020

Multilingual Dictionary Based Construction of Core Vocabulary
Winston Wu, Garrett Nicolai, and David Yarowsky
LREC 2020
pdf | code

The Johns Hopkins University Bible Corpus: 1600+ Tongues for Typological Exploration
Arya D. McCarthy, Rachel Wicks, Dylan Lewis, Aaron Mueller, Winston Wu, Oliver Adams, Garrett Nicolai, Matt Post, and David Yarowsky
LREC 2020


Modeling Color Terminology Across Thousands of Languages
Arya McCarthy, Winston Wu, Aaron Mueller, Bill Watson, David Yarowsky
EMNLP 2019

An Exploration of Placeholding in Neural Machine Translation
Matt Post, Shuoyang Ding, Marianna Martindale and Winston Wu
Machine Translation Summit 2019

Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Identifies Activation of TP53 and STAT1 Pathways in Human T Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Response to Ex Vivo Radiation Exposure
Maria Moreno-Villanueva, Ye Zhang, Alan Feiveson, Brandon Mistretta, Yinghong Pan, Sujash Chatterjee, Winston Wu, Ryan Clanton, Mayra Nelman-Gonzalez, Stephanie Krieger, Preethi Gunaratne, Brian Crucian, Honglu Wu
Int J Mol Sci 2019


A Comparative Study of Extremely Low-Resource Transliteration of the World's Languages
Winston Wu and David Yarowsky
LREC 2018
pdf | poster | code

Creating a Translation Matrix of the Bible's Names Across 591 Languages
Winston Wu, Nidhi Vyas, and David Yarowsky
LREC 2018
pdf | slides | code

Creating Large-Scale Cognate Tables
Winston Wu and David Yarowsky
LREC 2018
paper | slides | code

Massively Translingual Compound Analysis and Translation Discovery
Winston Wu and David Yarowsky
LREC 2018
pdf | poster | code


Extending a Textual Entailment Framework with VerbNet Semantics
Winston Wu
Undergraduate Honors Thesis