Hi! I'm Xuan Zhang (张璇, シュアン, ). I'm a Ph.D. student in
Department of Computer Science
at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), affiliated with Center for Language and Speech Processing (CLSP). I am advised by Prof. Kevin Duh. I'm an 2023-2024 JHU+Amazon AI2AI fellow.
My current research focuses on natural language processing (machine translation), AutoML and multimodal research in vision and language with a particular interest in sign language understanding.
Before joining CLSP-JHU, I obtained a M.S. in Computer Science at JHU, and did research in neural machine translation with Kevin Duh. Prior to that, I obtained a B.S. in Information Security from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC).
In addition to my research endeavors, I have a deep passion for learning American Sign Language, exploring the linguistics of sign languages and Deaf culture. My interest in languages extends to Japanese as well. Additionally, on a weekly basis, I also engage in practicing Kendo.