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  Student Research Workshop at ACL 2000

38th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics
3-6 October, 2000
Hong Kong



Important Announcements!

1. We are working on getting funding for students who wish to participate in ACL-2000 Student Workshop for travel to Hong Kong. Limited funds will be available through the Walker Fund. We also hope to obtain funding from other sources and will keep you updated on the progress. Information on how to apply for the Walker Fund (application submission deadline is August 4th, 2000) is available here (Walker Fund).

2. The exact dates of the student workshop are now available. The workshop will take place over two days during the Main ACL-2000 conference on Ocober 4th and 5th, 2000. The workshop will take place in two sessions parallel to each other; there will be no other non-student presentations on-going during the time alloted for the workshop. A tentative ACL-2000 programme can be found here.

3. The deadline for submitting camera ready copies is August 14th, 2000. We do realize that this imposes severe time constraints on the authors; however, due to a tight publication schedule, we will have to enforce this deadline. If you would like your paper to appear in the proceedings, please, make an effort to deliver the camera ready copies to us on or before Aug 14th. Instructions for authors to prepare the camera ready copies are available here .

The Student Session is an established tradition at ACL conferences. This year it will take the form of a Student Workshop. The main purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for student researchers who are investigating various areas related to Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. We would like to invite student researchers to submit their work to the workshop. Seeing that the main mission of the student workshop is to provide the participants with a wide audience and useful feedback, the emphasis of the workshop will be on work in progress. We believe this is an excellent opportunity to ask for suggestions and to run your ideas and results by an international audience of researchers in Computational Linguistics.

The exact dates of the student workshop have not been firmly established yet. Tentatively the workshop may take place anytime between 1st and 7th of October, 2000. The exact dates will be posted once confirmed by the Main ACL - 2000 Conference Committee.

Information on how to submit a paper to the workshop can be found in the call for papers .

Contact Information

If you need to contact the Co-Chairs of the Student Workshop, please use this address: An e-mail sent to this address will be forwarded to both Co-Chairs.

Olivia Kwong (Co-Chair) Sergey Pakhomov (Co-Chair)
Computer Laboratory Linguistics Department
University of Cambridge University of Minnesota
Cambridge CB2 3QG 315 Pillsbury Drive SE
United Kingdom Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
Tel: +44 1223 334619 Tel: +1 (612)-835-6546
Fax: +44 1223 334678 Fax: +1 (612)-835-9720