Curriculum Vitae
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
PhD in Electrical Engineering, Dec 2009. (Thesis: Learning to Rank with Partially-labeled Data)
Committee: Katrin Kirchhoff (chair), Mari Ostendorf, Jeff Bilmes, Marina Meila, Bill Noble, Efthi Efthimiadis--in memoriam
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Mar 2006.
PhD in Electrical Engineering, Dec 2009. (Thesis: Learning to Rank with Partially-labeled Data)
Committee: Katrin Kirchhoff (chair), Mari Ostendorf, Jeff Bilmes, Marina Meila, Bill Noble, Efthi Efthimiadis--in memoriam
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Mar 2006.
Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, May 2003.
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, May 2003.
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
Senior Research Scientist (Oct 2015 to present) - Human Language Technology Center of Excellence
Associate Research Professor (Jan 2025 to present); Assistant Research Professor (Feb 2016 to Dec 2024) - Department of Computer Science
Senior Research Scientist (Oct 2015 to present) - Human Language Technology Center of Excellence
Associate Research Professor (Jan 2025 to present); Assistant Research Professor (Feb 2016 to Dec 2024) - Department of Computer Science
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, JAPAN
Assistant Professor (Mar 2012 to Oct 2015) - Graduate School of Information Science
Assistant Professor (Mar 2012 to Oct 2015) - Graduate School of Information Science
NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Kyoto, JAPAN
Research Associate (Sept 2009 to Feb 2012).
R&D in Statistical Machine Translation.
Research Associate (Sept 2009 to Feb 2012).
R&D in Statistical Machine Translation.
Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA
Intern (Summer 2007, 2005)
Research in Machine Learning for Operating Systems. (Mentor: Sumit Basu, John Dunagan)
Research in Multilingual Dependency Parsing. (Mentor: Simon Corston-Oliver)
Intern (Summer 2007, 2005)
Research in Machine Learning for Operating Systems. (Mentor: Sumit Basu, John Dunagan)
Research in Multilingual Dependency Parsing. (Mentor: Simon Corston-Oliver)
NTT Cyberspace Laboratories, Yokosuka, JAPAN
JETRO Intern (July 2003 - Dec 2003).
R&D in Singing Voice Synthesis. (Advisor: Yushi Aono)
JETRO Intern (July 2003 - Dec 2003).
R&D in Singing Voice Synthesis. (Advisor: Yushi Aono)
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, USA
Intern (Summer 2002).
Developed code for GPS satellite error estimation. (Advisor: Anthea Coster)
Intern (Summer 2002).
Developed code for GPS satellite error estimation. (Advisor: Anthea Coster)
- U.S. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (2005-2008)
- Best Presentation Award, CICLING 2011
- Conference Organization:
- North American Assoc. for Computational Linguistics (NAACL) 2024 - Program co-chair
- Assoc. for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA) 2022 - Program co-chair
- MT Summit 2021 - Program co-chair
- EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 Website and Conference App Co-Chair
- EMNLP 2016 Program Chair (with Xavier Carreras)
- ACL 2015 Tutorial Chair (with Eneko Agirre)
- Steering Committee (2014-2017), Information Processing Society of Japan, SIG-NL
- Local Arrangements Committee (chair: Y. Matsumoto), International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT), 2013
- ACL International Sponsorship Comittee 2010-2011, Asia-Pacific Representative (with Haifeng Wang)
- Co-Chair, ACL/COLING 2006 Student Research Workshop (with Marine Carpuat and Rebecca Hwa (faculty mentor))
- Editorial and Reviewer Roles:
- Action Editor (2021-), Computational Linguistics Journal
- Action Editor (2021-), ACL Rolling Review (ARR)
- Area Chair for: ACL-IJNLP 2021, EMNLP2020, ACL2020, AACL2020, EMNLP-IJCNLP2019, NAACL2019, COLING2018, NAACL2018, IJCNLP2017, *SEM2016, ACL2014
- Editorial Board (2016-2021), Machine Translation
- Associate Editor (2014-2016), Journal of Natural Language Processing
- Reviewer for: ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, NIPS, ICML, AAAI, AISTATS, SIGIR, CSL, IEEE TSLP, JMLR, TACL, Computational Linguistics
- Best Paper Committee: ACL2018, COLING2018, EMNLP2017, EMNLP2016
- Research Workshops:
- Co-Lead, SCALE'18 Workshop (Resilient Machine Translation for New Domains)
- Team Member, Jelinek Summer Workshop 2015 (Continuous Wide-Band Machine Translation)
- Co-Chair, ACL2015 Workshop on Semantics-driven Machine Translation (with D. Xiong, R. Navigli, C. Hardmeier)
- Organizer, NII Shonan Meeting on Discrete Algorithms meet Machine Learning, (with H. Daumé, S. Khuller), 2013
- Co-organizer, NAACL 2009 Workshop on Semi-supervised Learning for NLP (with Qin Wang and Dekang Lin)
Research Grants at JHU:- IARPA MATERIAL (2017-2019), Co-PI
- JHU QuickSTIR team, lead PI: Philipp Koehn; Co-PI: Kevin Duh, Ben Van Durme, Sanjeev Khudanpur, Dan Povey
- Amazon Research Award (2017-2018), PI
- Multi-objective Hyperparameter Search for Fast and Accurate Neural Machine Translation
- JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) #26730121 (04/2014-10/2015)
- Dynamic Context-Dependent Word Representations for Natural Language Processing
- Microsoft Research CORE Project (04/2013-06/2015)
- Incorporating Knowledge Bases into Deep Learning
- JSPS Grant-in-Aid Research Activity Start-up #24800041 (08/2012-03/2014)
- Learning Robust Word Representations for Natural Language Processing
- JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) #26240035 (04/2014-03/2017)
- Improving Dependency Parsing with Pattern Mining and Coordinate Structure Analysis (PI: Prof. Yuji Matsumoto)
- JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) #26280055 (04/2014-03/2018)
- Self-Organized Learning for Speech Recognition and Synthesis (PI: Prof. Takahiro Shinozaki)
- JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) #24240032 (04/2012-03/2017)
- Simultaneous Interpretation of News Broadcasts and Lectures (PI: Prof. Satoshi Nakamura)
- JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) #23240020 (04/2011-03/2014)
- A Joint Approach to Natural Language Processing Using Global Information (PI: Prof. Yuji Matsumoto)