Util Namespace Reference


namespace  RotationParameters


class  _BaseMatrix
class  _InnerProductSpace
class  AdditiveGroup
class  Algebra
class  BaseFactory
class  BoundingBox
class  CmdLineParameter
class  CmdLineParameterArray
class  CmdLineParameters
class  CmdLineReadable
class  DerivedFactory
class  EulerRotationParameter
struct  Exception
class  Field
struct  GlobalProperties
class  InnerProductSpace
class  Interpolation
class  Matrix
class  Matrix< Dim, Dim >
class  MatrixRotationParameter
struct  Max
struct  Min
class  MultiplicativeGroup
class  Plane
class  Point
class  Point< 0 >
class  Polynomial
class  Polynomial< 1, Degree >
class  ProgressBar
class  Quadric
struct  QuadricBoundingBoxIntersectionInfo
class  Quaternion
class  QuaternionRotationParameter
class  Ray
class  RotationParameter
class  SkewSymmetricRotationParameter
class  Timer
class  TransformationParameter
class  TrivialRotationParameter
class  VectorSpace


typedef Point< 1 > Point1D
typedef Point< 2 > Point2D
typedef Point< 3 > Point3D
typedef Point< 4 > Point4D
template<unsigned int Dim>
using SquareMatrix = Matrix< Dim, Dim >
typedef Matrix< 1, 1 > Matrix1D
typedef Matrix< 2, 2 > Matrix2D
typedef Matrix< 3, 3 > Matrix3D
typedef Matrix< 4, 4 > Matrix4D
typedef Plane< 2 > Plane2D
typedef Plane< 3 > Plane3D
typedef Plane< 4 > Plane4D
typedef Ray< 1 > Ray1D
typedef Ray< 2 > Ray2D
typedef Ray< 3 > Ray3D
typedef Ray< 4 > Ray4D
typedef BoundingBox< 1 > BoundingBox1D
typedef BoundingBox< 2 > BoundingBox2D
typedef BoundingBox< 3 > BoundingBox3D
typedef BoundingBox< 4 > BoundingBox4D
template<unsigned int Degree>
using Polynomial1D = Polynomial< 1, Degree >
template<unsigned int Degree>
using Polynomial2D = Polynomial< 2, Degree >
template<unsigned int Degree>
using Polynomial3D = Polynomial< 3, Degree >
template<unsigned int Degree>
using Polynomial4D = Polynomial< 4, Degree >


void CmdLineParse (int argc, char **argv, CmdLineReadable **params)
std::string ToUpper (const std::string &str)
std::string ToLower (const std::string &str)
std::string GetFileExtension (const std::string &fileName)
std::vector< std::string > ReadWords (const std::string &fileName)
std::string GetLocalFileName (const std::string &fileName)
std::string GetFileDirectory (const std::string &fileName)
std::string GetFileName (const std::string &directory, const std::string &localFileName)
template<typename ... Arguments>
void _AddToMessageStream (std::stringstream &stream, Arguments ... arguments)
void _AddToMessageStream (std::stringstream &stream)
template<typename Argument , typename ... Arguments>
void _AddToMessageStream (std::stringstream &stream, Argument argument, Arguments ... arguments)
template<typename ... Arguments>
std::string MakeMessageString (std::string header, std::string fileName, int line, std::string functionName, Arguments ... arguments)
template<typename ... Args>
void Throw (const char *fileName, int line, const char *functionName, Args ... args)
template<typename ... Args>
void Warn (const char *fileName, int line, const char *functionName, Args ... args)
template<typename ... Args>
void ErrorOut (const char *fileName, int line, const char *functionName, Args ... args)
template<unsigned int Dim>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Point< Dim > &p)
template<unsigned int Dim>
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &stream, Point< Dim > &p)
template<unsigned int Rows, unsigned int Cols, typename MatrixType , typename MatrixTransposeType >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const _BaseMatrix< Rows, Cols, MatrixType, MatrixTransposeType > &m)
template<unsigned int Rows, unsigned int Cols, typename MatrixType , typename MatrixTransposeType >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &stream, _BaseMatrix< Rows, Cols, MatrixType, MatrixTransposeType > &m)
template<unsigned int Dim>
Ray< Dim > operator* (const Matrix< Dim+1, Dim+1 > &m, const Ray< Dim > &ray)
template<unsigned int Dim>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Ray< Dim > &ray)
template<unsigned int Dim>
BoundingBox< Dim > operator* (const Matrix< Dim+1, Dim+1 > &m, const BoundingBox< Dim > &b)
template<unsigned int Dim>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const BoundingBox< Dim > &b)
template<unsigned int Dim, unsigned int Degree1, unsigned int Degree2>
Polynomial< Dim, Degree1+Degree2 > operator* (const Polynomial< Dim, Degree1 > &p1, const Polynomial< Dim, Degree2 > &p2)
template<unsigned int Dim, unsigned int Degree1, unsigned int Degree2>
Polynomial< Dim, Max< Degree1, Degree2 >::Value > operator+ (const Polynomial< Dim, Degree1 > &p1, const Polynomial< Dim, Degree2 > &p2)
template<unsigned int Dim, unsigned int Degree1, unsigned int Degree2>
Polynomial< Dim, Max< Degree1, Degree2 >::Value > operator- (const Polynomial< Dim, Degree1 > &p1, const Polynomial< Dim, Degree2 > &p2)
template<unsigned int Dim, unsigned int Degree>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Polynomial< Dim, Degree > &poly)
template<unsigned int Degree1, unsigned int Degree2>
Polynomial< 1, Degree1+Degree2 > operator* (const Polynomial< 1, Degree1 > &p1, const Polynomial< 1, Degree2 > &p2)
template<unsigned int Degree1, unsigned int Degree2>
Polynomial< 1, Max< Degree1, Degree2 >::Value > operator+ (const Polynomial< 1, Degree1 > &p1, const Polynomial< 1, Degree2 > &p2)
template<unsigned int Degree1, unsigned int Degree2>
Polynomial< 1, Max< Degree1, Degree2 >::Value > operator- (const Polynomial< 1, Degree1 > &p1, const Polynomial< 1, Degree2 > &p2)
template<unsigned int Degree>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Polynomial< 1, Degree > &poly)


static const char FileSeparator = '/'
static const double Pi = 3.1415926535897932384
static const double Epsilon = 1e-10
static const double Infinity = std::numeric_limits< double >::infinity()

Typedef Documentation

◆ BoundingBox1D

A bounding box in 1D

◆ BoundingBox2D

A bounding box in 2D

◆ BoundingBox3D

A bounding box in 3D

◆ BoundingBox4D

A bounding box in 4D

◆ Matrix1D

typedef Matrix< 1 , 1 > Util::Matrix1D

A 1x1 matrix

◆ Matrix2D

typedef Matrix< 2 , 2 > Util::Matrix2D

A 2x2 matrix

◆ Matrix3D

typedef Matrix< 3 , 3 > Util::Matrix3D

A 3x3 matrix

◆ Matrix4D

typedef Matrix< 4 , 4 > Util::Matrix4D

A 4x4 matrix

◆ Plane2D

typedef Plane< 2 > Util::Plane2D

A plane in 2D

◆ Plane3D

typedef Plane< 3 > Util::Plane3D

A plane in 3D

◆ Plane4D

typedef Plane< 4 > Util::Plane4D

A plane in 4D

◆ Point1D

typedef Point< 1 > Util::Point1D

A point in 1D

◆ Point2D

typedef Point< 2 > Util::Point2D

A point in 2D

◆ Point3D

typedef Point< 3 > Util::Point3D

A point in 3D

◆ Point4D

typedef Point< 4 > Util::Point4D

A point in 4D

◆ Polynomial1D

template<unsigned int Degree>
using Util::Polynomial1D = typedef Polynomial< 1 , Degree >

A polynomial in one variable of degree Degree

◆ Polynomial2D

template<unsigned int Degree>
using Util::Polynomial2D = typedef Polynomial< 2 , Degree >

A polynomial in two variables of degree Degree

◆ Polynomial3D

template<unsigned int Degree>
using Util::Polynomial3D = typedef Polynomial< 3 , Degree >

A polynomial in three variable of degree Degree

◆ Polynomial4D

template<unsigned int Degree>
using Util::Polynomial4D = typedef Polynomial< 4 , Degree >

A polynomial in four variable of degree Degree

◆ Ray1D

typedef Ray< 1 > Util::Ray1D

A ray in 1D

◆ Ray2D

typedef Ray< 2 > Util::Ray2D

A ray in 2D

◆ Ray3D

typedef Ray< 3 > Util::Ray3D

A ray in 3D

◆ Ray4D

typedef Ray< 4 > Util::Ray4D

A ray in 4D

◆ SquareMatrix

template<unsigned int Dim>
using Util::SquareMatrix = typedef Matrix< Dim , Dim >

A square matrix

Function Documentation

◆ _AddToMessageStream() [1/3]

void Util::_AddToMessageStream ( std::stringstream &  stream)

◆ _AddToMessageStream() [2/3]

template<typename Argument , typename ... Arguments>
void Util::_AddToMessageStream ( std::stringstream &  stream,
Argument  argument,
Arguments ...  arguments 

◆ _AddToMessageStream() [3/3]

template<typename ... Arguments>
void Util::_AddToMessageStream ( std::stringstream &  stream,
Arguments ...  arguments 

◆ CmdLineParse()

void Util::CmdLineParse ( int  argc,
char **  argv,
CmdLineReadable **  params 

This function takes a list of arguments and tries to set the parameters. The last parameter must be a NULL pointer.

◆ ErrorOut()

template<typename ... Args>
void Util::ErrorOut ( const char *  fileName,
int  line,
const char *  functionName,
Args ...  args 

◆ GetFileDirectory()

std::string Util::GetFileDirectory ( const std::string &  fileName)

Returns the file directory

◆ GetFileExtension()

std::string Util::GetFileExtension ( const std::string &  fileName)

Returns the file extension

◆ GetFileName()

std::string Util::GetFileName ( const std::string &  directory,
const std::string &  localFileName 

Combines the directory and local file-name to generate the complete file-name

◆ GetLocalFileName()

std::string Util::GetLocalFileName ( const std::string &  fileName)

Returns the local file-name

◆ MakeMessageString()

template<typename ... Arguments>
std::string Util::MakeMessageString ( std::string  header,
std::string  fileName,
int  line,
std::string  functionName,
Arguments ...  arguments 

◆ operator*() [1/4]

template<unsigned int Dim>
BoundingBox< Dim > Util::operator* ( const Matrix< Dim+1, Dim+1 > &  m,
const BoundingBox< Dim > &  b 

This method returns the bounding box generated by first transforming the initial bounding box according to the specified transformation and then finding the minimal axis-aligned bounding box containing the transformed box.

◆ operator*() [2/4]

template<unsigned int Dim>
Ray< Dim > Util::operator* ( const Matrix< Dim+1, Dim+1 > &  m,
const Ray< Dim > &  ray 

This method applies a transformation to a ray.

◆ operator*() [3/4]

template<unsigned int Degree1, unsigned int Degree2>
Polynomial< 1, Degree1+Degree2 > Util::operator* ( const Polynomial< 1, Degree1 > &  p1,
const Polynomial< 1, Degree2 > &  p2 

This function returns the product of two polynomials.

◆ operator*() [4/4]

template<unsigned int Dim, unsigned int Degree1, unsigned int Degree2>
Polynomial< Dim, Degree1+Degree2 > Util::operator* ( const Polynomial< Dim, Degree1 > &  p1,
const Polynomial< Dim, Degree2 > &  p2 

This function returns the product of two polynomials.

◆ operator+() [1/2]

template<unsigned int Degree1, unsigned int Degree2>
Polynomial< 1, Max< Degree1, Degree2 >::Value > Util::operator+ ( const Polynomial< 1, Degree1 > &  p1,
const Polynomial< 1, Degree2 > &  p2 

This function returns the sum of two polynomials.

◆ operator+() [2/2]

template<unsigned int Dim, unsigned int Degree1, unsigned int Degree2>
Polynomial< Dim, Max< Degree1, Degree2 >::Value > Util::operator+ ( const Polynomial< Dim, Degree1 > &  p1,
const Polynomial< Dim, Degree2 > &  p2 

This function returns the sum of two polynomials.

◆ operator-() [1/2]

template<unsigned int Degree1, unsigned int Degree2>
Polynomial< 1, Max< Degree1, Degree2 >::Value > Util::operator- ( const Polynomial< 1, Degree1 > &  p1,
const Polynomial< 1, Degree2 > &  p2 

This function returns the difference of two polynomials.

◆ operator-() [2/2]

template<unsigned int Dim, unsigned int Degree1, unsigned int Degree2>
Polynomial< Dim, Max< Degree1, Degree2 >::Value > Util::operator- ( const Polynomial< Dim, Degree1 > &  p1,
const Polynomial< Dim, Degree2 > &  p2 

This function returns the difference of two polynomials.

◆ operator<<() [1/6]

template<unsigned int Rows, unsigned int Cols, typename MatrixType , typename MatrixTransposeType >
std::ostream & Util::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const _BaseMatrix< Rows, Cols, MatrixType, MatrixTransposeType > &  m 

Functionality for outputing a matrices to a stream.

◆ operator<<() [2/6]

template<unsigned int Dim>
std::ostream & Util::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const BoundingBox< Dim > &  b 

◆ operator<<() [3/6]

template<unsigned int Dim>
std::ostream & Util::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Point< Dim > &  p 

Functionality for outputing a point to a stream.

Functionality for outputing a bounding box to a stream.

◆ operator<<() [4/6]

template<unsigned int Degree>
std::ostream & Util::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Polynomial< 1, Degree > &  poly 

This function prints out the polynomial.

◆ operator<<() [5/6]

template<unsigned int Dim, unsigned int Degree>
std::ostream & Util::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Polynomial< Dim, Degree > &  poly 

This function prints out the polynomial.

◆ operator<<() [6/6]

template<unsigned int Dim>
std::ostream & Util::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Ray< Dim > &  ray 

This function prints out the ray.

◆ operator>>() [1/2]

template<unsigned int Rows, unsigned int Cols, typename MatrixType , typename MatrixTransposeType >
std::istream & Util::operator>> ( std::istream &  stream,
_BaseMatrix< Rows, Cols, MatrixType, MatrixTransposeType > &  m 

Functionality for inputting a matrix from a stream.

◆ operator>>() [2/2]

template<unsigned int Dim>
std::istream & Util::operator>> ( std::istream &  stream,
Point< Dim > &  p 

Functionality for inputing a point from a stream.

◆ ReadWords()

std::vector< std::string > Util::ReadWords ( const std::string &  fileName)

Returns and array of individual words read from a file

◆ Throw()

template<typename ... Args>
void Util::Throw ( const char *  fileName,
int  line,
const char *  functionName,
Args ...  args 

◆ ToLower()

std::string Util::ToLower ( const std::string &  str)

Converts a string to lower case

◆ ToUpper()

std::string Util::ToUpper ( const std::string &  str)

Converts a string to upper case

◆ Warn()

template<typename ... Args>
void Util::Warn ( const char *  fileName,
int  line,
const char *  functionName,
Args ...  args 

Variable Documentation

◆ Epsilon

const double Util::Epsilon = 1e-10

◆ FileSeparator

const char Util::FileSeparator = '/'

◆ Infinity

const double Util::Infinity = std::numeric_limits< double >::infinity()

◆ Pi

const double Util::Pi = 3.1415926535897932384